FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE������� ����������������������� ����������������������� �������

November 25, 2003 Update

Karpov won games with Shulman (R1) and Charbonneau (R2) and drew the rest. Onischuk won against Charbonneau (R5) and drew the rest of the games. Shulman won a game with Donaldson. Donaldson won R1 game with Charbonneau. Charbonneau won a game with Morovic.

This was the second tournament Karpov played in the US after the 1972 San Antonio.

NOVEMBER 24, 2003




LINDSBORG, KANSAS� In December the international chess community will focus its attention on Bethany College and Lindsborg as six Grandmaster players compete head-to-head and many other players will compete in three other tourneys.

The series of tournaments is being jointly sponsored by the City of Lindsborg, Bethany College, and the Anatoly Karpov School of Chess.Frank Berry, Stillwater, Okla., will direct the tournaments.

����������� The Lindsborg Invitational Tournament on December 13-14 will match former World Champion GM Anatoly Karpov (Russia) against four other Grandmasters: Alexander Onischuk (USA), Yury Shulman (USA), Ulf Andersson (Sweden), Ivan Morovic (Chile), and International Master John Donaldson (USA).

����������� The Invitational Tournament will take place on the stage of the Burnett Center on the Bethany College campus.

The Second Annual Lindsborg Open Chess Tournament will be held December 19-23 in the Stroble-Gibson Centennial Center on the Bethany College campus.This tournament will feature 30-50 international level players.Among participants are GMs Evgenij Agrest (Sweden), Suat Atalik (Bosnia), Yury Shulman, Alex Yermolinsky, Sergey Kudrin (US),Alexander Baburin (Ireland), Nikola Mitkov (Macedonia), Pavel Blatny (Czech Republic), Traice Nedev (Macedonia), Dashzeveg Sharavdorj (Mongolia)������

Registration for this international chess tournament, which is offering FIDE Grandmaster and International Master norms, closes at 10:00 a.m. on December 19 and play begins at noon.

����������� The Third Annual Lindsborg Rotary Open Chess Tournament will match 40-50 players from the Midwest.The tourney will take place December 19-21 in the Bethany College Stroble-Gibson Centennial Center.

����������� The largest of the four tournaments in terms of numbers of competitors will be the Karpov International School of Chess Scholastic Tournament being held December 13 in the Bethany College Stroble-Gibson Centennial Center.

Bethany College will award an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree to former World Chess Champion and UNICEF Regional Ambassador Anatoly Karpov on Friday, December 12.

����������� The ceremony, led by Bethany College President Dr. Paul Formo, will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Burnett Center on the Bethany College campus.Karpov will be the featured speaker during the program.The public is invited to attend the ceremony.

The former world champion, who resides in Moscow, has done much to popularize chess throughout the world.In addition to publishing many books and articles, he has opened more than 50 chess clubs in Russia and abroad.He has also founded more than 20 chess schools including one in the United States, which opened this year in Lindsborg, Kansas.

����������� Beatriz Marinello, President of the United States Chess Federation, will be in Lindsborg December 11-13.She will be a guest of the Lindsborg chess festival.

����������� For information on any of the four tournaments, interested persons can E-mail [email protected].For information, or to enter any of the competitions, go to