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August 20, 2003 (845) 562-8350, ext. 144
PRESS RELEASE 26 of 2003 [email protected]


Thirteen year-old Alex Lenderman scored IM norm in Hungary

Thirteen year-old Alex Lenderman of New York, co-winner of the K-8 section and winner of the Individual Blitz tournament at the 2003 National Junior High Championship in Kissimmee, Florida, has scored his first IM norm at the First Saturday IM Chess Tournament in Budapest, Hungary.

Alex, with a 2219 FIDE rating, was the second lowest rated player in the 14 person round-robin tournament. The tournament consists of 5 IMs, 3 FMs and 6 FIDE rated players. Alex won his last round game with the White pieces against FM David Berczes (2393) of Hungary (second highest rated player in the tournament) to secure a first place tie with FM John Nilssen (2382) as well as earning his first IM norm.

His final score was 10-3 and his performance rating was 2513. Alex finished with an incredible 9 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. Alex also currently ranks number 2 in the United States in his age group.


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