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January 9, 2004(845) 562-8350, ext. 123
Press Release #1 of 2004 [email protected]

University of Texas, Dallas A-Team Wins 2003 Pan Am Intercollegiate Chess Championship

The 2003 Pan Am Intercollegiate Team Championship held December 27-30, 2003 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Miami, Florida concluded and the top ten finishers were:

  • 1st:University of Texas, Dallas A-Team, 5.5 points
  • 2nd:University of Maryland, Baltimore County A-Team, 5.0 points
  • 3rd:University of Texas, Dallas B-Team, 5.0 points
  • 4th:Miami-Dade College, 4.5 points
  • 5th:Brooklyn College A-Team, 4.0 points
  • 5th:(6th) University of Maryland, Baltimore County B-Team, 4.0 points
  • 5th:(7th) University of Toronto A-Team, 4.0 points
  • 5th:(8th) Pontifica Universidad Catolica, 4.0 points
  • 5th:(9th) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 4.0 points
  • 10th:Princeton University, 3.5 points.

Individual Award Winners

  • 1st Board 1: GM Leonil Yudasin-(Brooklyn College A-Team)
  • 1st Board 2: Vladimir Pechenkin-(Toronto A-Team)
  • 1st Board 3: Eugene Perelshtein-(UMBC A-Team)
  • 1st Board 4: Jeff Hawel-(Western Ontario B-Team)
  • Top Alternate: Michal Kujovic-(UTD B-Team)
  • Top Under 2000: Emory University
  • Top Under 1800: Duke University
  • Top Under 1600: CUNY - Baruch College (NYC)
  • Top Under 1400: Monroe College A-Team
  • Top 2 Year School: Montgomery College (MD)
  • Top Small School: Inter American University of Puerto Rico

Organizers of the 2003 Pan Am Intercollegiate Chess Championship was Arden and Suzie Dilley and Chief TD was Dr. Ira Lee Riddle.


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