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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Barbara Vandermark
February 4, 2004(845) 562-8350, ext. 138
Press Release #5 of 2004 [email protected]

Executive Board Schedules Special Election

Due to the resignations of two Executive Board Members (Dr. John McCrary and Frank Camaratta), the USCF will hold a special election for two one-year terms to the USCF Executive Board.

Candidates must submit nomination petitions with the signatures of 30 Voting Members and must pay a filing fee of $250.00. Nomination petitions must be received by the USCF Secretary or the USCF office (ATTN: Barb Vandermark) by 5PM (EST) on Wednesday, March 31st, 2004.

Any USCF member 16 years or older as of June 1st 2004 and living in the United States is a Voting Member.

Candidates will be entitled to a 150 word statement and picture in the May issue of Chess Life, and a half page in an election supplement which will appear in the June issue of Chess Life. The copy deadlines are April 1st for the 150 word statement and photograph and May 1st for the half-page election supplement.

Ballots will be included in the June issue of Chess Life. The date for ballot counting has not yet been set.

The elected Board members will serve for one year, beginning with the certification of election results by the Delegates on August 14th, 2004, and through the end of the 2005 Delegates Meeting.


The United States Chess Federation, founded in 1939, serves as the governing body for chess in the United States and is devoted to extending the role of chess in American society. It promotes the study and knowledge of the game of chess, for its own sake as an art and enjoyment, and as a means for the improvement of society. The USCF is a not-for-profit membership organization with more than 90,000 members. For more information, please see

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