The USCF Organization1997 Service and Achievement Awards

1979-1997 Award Recipients

Distinguished Service

1979	George Cunningham, Arpad Elo, 

	Burt Hochberg, George Koltanowski

1980 	Ed Edmondson, Isaac Kashdan, 

	Paul Webb

1981 	John Collins, Marshall Rohland, 

	Frank Skoff

1982 	Fred Cramer, Lina Grumette, 

	Gary Sperling

1983	Arnold Denker, Van Vandenburg, 

	Bill Goichberg

1984	Lynne Babcock, Pearle Mann, 

	George Tiers

1985	Denis Barry, Harold Dondis, 

	Tim Redman

1987	Leroy Dubeck

1988	Gerard Dullea

1989	Myron Lieberman, Don Schultz

1990	Steve Doyle

1991	Harry Sabine, Yasser Seirawan

1992	Harold Winston

1993	Robert Erkes, Carol Jarecki, 

	Helen Warren

1994	C. Norman Peacor, Fred Townsend

1995	Jerry Hanken, Martin Morrison

1996	Woodrow Harris

1997 	Anthony Cottell, 

	Frank Camaratta

Outstanding Career Achievement

1986	Allen Hinshaw, Helen Hinshaw, 

	Bob Dudley, Robert Erkes, 

	George Mirijanian

1987	Alan Benjamin, Phyllis Benjamin

1989	Peter Lahde, Alina Markowski,

	Larry Paxton, Glenn Petersen

1990	Roger Blaine, Lee Hyder, 

	Russell Miller 

1991	Mike Goodall, Ira Lee Riddle, 

	Fjola Vandenburg

1993	Robert Karch, Robert P. Smith

1994	Clarence Callaway

1995	Pete Nixon, Warren Pinches

1996	Burt Hochberg

1997	J.C. Thompson, 

	Leroy Dubeck, Bill Snead

Special Services

1983	Hal Boger, Arnold Denker, 

	Thad Rogers, Hyman Rogosin, 

	Eric Schiller, Don Schultz

1985	Lackland Bloom, Martin Morrison

1986	Fred Gruenberg, Richard O'Keefe, 

	C. Norman Peacor, Ron Warnicki

1988	Fred Townsend, David Welsh

1991	Larry Evans, Lev Alburt

1992	Ron Lohrman, Les Leroy Smith

1993	Jeremy Gaige, John Varis

1994	Garrett Scott, John McCrary,

	Warren Pinches

1995	Jo Eglen, Doris Thackrey

1996	Herb Hickman, Hanon Russell, 

	Helen Warren

1997	Jim Pechac, Denis Barry,

      Robert John McCrary

Meritorious Service

1980	Robert Tanner

1985	Joseph Wagner

1986	Lincoln Chess Foundation, 

	Glenn Meachum, Ben Munson, 

	Sunil Weeramantry

1987	Don Maddox, Jules Stein, 

	Charles Pashayan

1988	Harry Lyman

1991	Imre Konig, George Leighton

1992	David Mehler

1993	Allen Kaufman, Dale Brandreth

1994	Paul Shannon, Randall Hough

1995	Frank Brady, Billy Colias, Ernest Marx

1996	Paul Gold, Myron Lieberman

1997	Alan Sherman, Randall Swanson, Jim Warren

Committee Of The Year

1982	Computer Committee

1988	Hall of Fame Committee

1989	Scholastic Committee

1990	Tournament Direction Certification  Committee

1993	Special Committee on Rulebook

1994	Ratings Committee

1995	Computer Communications Committee

1996	Chess in Education Committee

1997 	Finance

City Of The Year

1983	Pasadena, California

1984	New York, New York

1985	Foxboro, Massachusetts

1986	Charlotte, North Carolina; 

	Somerset, New Jersey

1987	Pulaski, Virginia; Terre Haute, Indiana

1988	Albuquerque, New Mexico; 

	Memphis, Tennessee;  Southfield, Michigan

1989	Knoxville, Tennessee; Peoria, Illinois; 

	Seattle, Washington; Tempe, Arizona;  

	Lexington, Kentucky

1993	Durango, Colorado; Reno, Nevada

1994	Bloomington, Illinois; New York, N.Y.

1995	Chicago, Illinois; Key West, Florida

1996	Tucson, Arizona; New York, New York

1997	Knoxville, Tennessee; 

	Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Organizer Of The Year

1994	Bill Goichberg

1995	Al Losoff

1996	Nick Conticello, 

	Manhattan Chess Chess Club

1997	Jose Cuchi, E. Steven Doyle

Koltanowski Medal

1979   Gold:    Bill Church, 

                Jacqueline Piatigorsky, 

                Louis Statham

1980   Gold:    Thomas Emery, 

                Lessing Rosenwald

1981   Gold:    Fred Cramer; 

       Silver:  Howard Gaba, 

		    Fred Gruenberg, Al Hansen

1982   Gold:    Rea Hayes; 

       Silver:  Nobert Leopoldi

1983   Silver:  Stephen Jones, 

                Don Richardson, John Rylowski,

                Ralph Slottow

1984   Gold:    Jose Cuchi; 

       Silver:  M. Vacheron

1985   Gold:    Frank Normali; 

       Silver:  R. W. Twombly

1986   Gold:    Shelby Lyman, 

                NCR Corporation; 

       Silver:  Faneuil Adams, Jr., 

                Paul Arnold Associates,

                Equitable Life Assurance, 

                Prudential Insurance

1987   Gold:    Frank Samford

1988   Gold:    Sid Samole

1989   Gold:    Novag Industries

1990   Gold:    Arnold Denker, 

                Helen Warren

1991   Gold:    Ted Field; 

       Silver:  Neil Falconer

1992   Gold:    Banker's Trust

1994   Silver:  Dr. Martin Katahn

1996   Gold:    Saitek Industries, Ltd.

       Silver:  Zamagias Properties

1997   Gold:    Interplay Productions

       Silver:  Wizards of the Coast

                Novag Industries

Scholastic Service

1994 	Harry Sabine

1995	Ron Lohrman

1996	Lee LaFrese

1997	Robert Ferguson

U.S. Chess Hall Of Fame

*For more information about those inducted into the Hall of Fame please go to:

1986 	Paul Morphy, Robert Fischer, Reuben 

	Fine, Frank Marshall, Isaac Kashdan, 

	George Koltanowski, Harry Pillsbury, 

	Sammy Reshevsky

1987	Sam Loyd, Wilhelm Steinitz

1988	Arpad Elo, Hermann Helms

1989	I.A. Horowitz

1990	Hans Berliner

1991	John Collins, Arthur Dake

1992	Arnold Denker, George MacKenzie, 

	Gisela Gresser

1993	Pal Benko, Victor Palciauskas

1994 	Larry Evans, Robert Byrne, 

	Arthur Bisguier 

1995	Ed Edmondson, GM William Lombardy

1996	Fred Reinfeld

1997	Kenneth Harkness

Frank J. Marshall

1994	Albert Sandrin

1995	Grandmaster Arthur Dake

1996	Grandmaster Arnold Denker

1997	Maurice Ashley, 

	John Donaldson

GRANDMASTER Oscar of the Year

1997  Alexander Yermolinsky

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