Advance Agenda for the
1996 USCF Board of Delegates Meeting
Alexandria, VA, August 10 and 11, 1996

  • A complete copy of all ADMs (Advanced Delegate Motions) is available in a separate file.

I. Call to order by USCF President Denis Barry.

II. Roll call of Delegates.

III. Approval of the minutes of the 1995 Delegates' Meeting.

IV. Certification of election results

Normally this will generate two motions from the floor. One motion will be to certify the election results and the other to commend the election tellers.

V. Reports of USCF officers and staff.

VI. Reports of the FIDE Delegate and Zonal President.

VII. Committee Reports

VIII. Motion to ratify.

IX. Old Business.

Any motions or reports arising out of past Delegate motions and any routine recurring motions should be considered here.

The following items are from the 1995 agenda:

Refer to the report of the Ratings Committee. New motions regarding rating floors can be found under New Business as ADM 96-29 to 96-36

This was reviewed but not implemented.

The Bylaws Committee offers the following recommendation:

The Regions and States Committee was torn between the following two sets of wording and requested that both versions be printed in the advance agenda. The difference is inderlined and relates to the number of members a state must have to merit two Voting Members.

The following motion was referred to the Regions and States Committee, where it PASSED 10-0, and is now being presented to the Delegates as a Committee motion:

X. New Business

The following 8 motions relate to rating floors.

The following 4 motions concern other issues related to ratings, rating lists, and rating fees

The following 13 motions refer to USCF governance

The Bylaws Committee offers the following substitute for 96-41:

Note: Mr. Horne has indicated that the purpose of this motion is to establish a recall procedure for PB members (not necessarily this procedure). The Bylaws do not currently provide a recall procedure.

Myron Lieberman offers the following substitute wording.

The following 2 motions concern full time chess studios

The following 3 motions relate to scholastic issues.

The following 3 motions relate to the US Open

The following 3 motions deal with LMA administration

The following 7 motions are concerned with tournaments

Note: Please refer to PB 96-09 and 96-10 in PBN 2 for 1995/ 96.

Important Note:

Editor's Comment: ADM 96-74 deals with officially changing the USCF's legal name, and is presented here in two forms. Version 1 appeared in the printed copy of the Annual Report, and states that the new name will be "U.S. Chess". USCF Secretary Rachel Lieberman has advised us that the correct wording is "US Chess Federation", as shown in Version 2. She has also requested that the following statement be included:

The wording of ADM 96-74 [version 2 - ed.] is listed correctly in this agenda. It differs from the published agenda in that the Board is recommending the name change to "US Chess Federation", not "US Chess". The original name is the United States of America Chess Federation.

  1. ADM 96-74, Printed Version with Error: (Board) The Policy Board recommends to the Delegates that the corporate name of the USCF be changed to "U.S. Chess." (See PB 96-28) Appropriate, related wording changes to the USCF's Bylaws and legal filings shall be made.

  2. ADM 96-74, OFFICIAL VERSION: (Board) The Policy Board recommends to the Delegates that the corporate name of the USCF be officially changed to the US Chess Federation (See PB 96-28). Appropriate related wording changes to USCF's Bylaws and legal filings shall be made.

XI. Presentation of Certificates of Governance

XII. Installation of new Policy Board members.

XIII. Adjournment

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