US Chess Federation


The US Chess Federation is a not-for-profit membership organization devoted to extending the role of chess in the United States. USCF serves as the governing body for chess in the United States and as a participant in international chess organizations and projects.

Call for Advanced Delegate Motions

By Rachel Lieberman, Secretary

Before we know it, the 1998 US Open will be here. The US Open is always exciting, and this year we are expecting it to be better than ever. We are looking forward to a great tournament, an exciting Delegates' Meeting, and some informative workshops.

All Delegates are invited to submit motions for the Advance Agenda of the 1998 USCF Delegates' Meeting. The meeting will be held in Kona, Hawaii, during the US Open. The deadline for submission of ADMs for the preprinted agenda is June 1, 1998.

Motions may be e-mail to [email protected]

. Signed hard copy must follow, and should be sent to:

Rachel Lieberman, USCF Secretary
1444 West Sixth Street
Tempe, AZ 85281

Signed faxes are acceptable. Please send faxes to (602)350-9126.

Please note that the June 1 deadline also applies to Committee Reports. Committee Chairs should send their Committee Reports to Executive Assistant Barbara DeMaro at the USCF office no later than June 1, 1998. Committee Chairs please note: If your Committee Report includes any ADMs, those ADMs must also be received by the Secretary by no later than June 1.

We are looking forward to seeing you and working with you in Hawaii.


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This page was last updated March 6, 1998

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