Editor's Report

www.uschess.org is the Official Website of the United States Chess Federation

"There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a talking man having nothing to say."*
— Jonathan Swift


Good News, Bad News

The bad news is that our six month relocation at 192 Rte. 9W has lasted 15 months.
The good news is that our six month relocation at 192 Rte. 9W has lasted 15 months.
We like it here. We have windows. And heat in the winter. And air conditioning in the summer. And two outside telephone lines, one for a FAX machine, and one for online connections. Did I mention windows?

The bad news is that our assistant editor, John MacArthur, has left for greener pastures (read shorter hours and more money). Making your avocation your vocation isn't all it is cracked up to be.
The good news is that former assistant editors Ron Burnett and Elliott Winslow have agreed to help out this summer until a new assistant editor is found. Saved my bacon is what they did.

The bad news is that USCF was looking at a financially horrible year. The bad news is that CHESS LIFE had to trim almost $30,000 from its operating budget. The bad news is that we had to alternate some of our regular columnists. But you already knew that. I've got the letters to prove it.
The good news is that we did it, and in doing so, found ways to save money for this fiscal year. By renegotiating our contract with Quebecor, we should be able to print 12 issues for almost what was budgeted for 11 issues this past fiscal year. I hope.

The bad news is that by changing our cover date (so that the August issue comes out in August instead of July), we have probably confused everyone. No, it doesn't mean you get an extra issue. No, it doesn't mean you get one issue less. It just means that your expiration date will now match the cover date. And that's the good news, because that little clerical change should save the federation over $20,000 a year by saving on weekly supplemental mailings. Your rating on your June cover will match your rating in the June rating supplement. New members and late renewals who received a monthly supplemental mailing before a weekly supplemental mailing, will no longer be calling up to complain that they received their August issue, but not their July issue. No longer will we have to send out an issue (which really is already in the mail) first class in order to satisfy a doubtful caller. One time members — those who did not renew — were, in reality, getting 13 issues for their one year membership. Join in June and you expire 6/30, which means you are entitled to the July issue (already mailed), and that meant a weekly supplemental mailing. And if you joined after the 10th of the month, when the main mailing list is created, then you had to go on a monthly supplemental list in order to get the August issue. And at the other end of the spectrum, since your membership was good through 6/30, you got the July issue whether you renewed or not, since you were still on the main mailing list. Now when you join during the first ten days of June (approximately), you will make the generation of the main mailing list for the July issue, or if you join later in the month, you'll make the monthly mailing for the July issue. And your membership will end with the June issue of the following year. Twelve issues. AND, as a bonus, CHESS LIFE will appear to be more current with its content. Under the old system of cover dates, the report on the U.S. Open would appear in the November issue — if we were lucky. Even though that issue was released and received in October, that's not something you remember half a year later. Now, at least the cover date will be October. The printer can't give us a faster turnaround, the post office won't deliver any quicker — in this age of instant gratification (read Internet), we need every break we can get.
The bad news is that we have started, stopped, and stalled too many times over the past two years with our website. The good news is that Jade River, Inc. has made remarkable progress as our new webmaster, our online catalog not only looks good (thanks to the super efforts of John MacArthur) but also you can USE it now.

Glenn Petersen
Chess Life Editor

*Or an editor with a page to fill.

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This page was last updated June 26, 1997

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