The USCF Organization Statements of Policy Board Candidates for the 1997 Election

John Blackstone

Hi, my name is John Blackstone. I've been Vice-President of the California Chess Federation prior to the split into North and South several years ago. During the last several years I have not been active due to rearing children. But I have never lost my interest in chess and in what is going on within the USCF. I was personal friend of Ed Edmondson during this years in office. I will bring logic and consistency to the Policy Board, which is needed during these unsettling times. I know several of the current board members, which will smooth out my transition period.

Gary Prince

I will focus on four critical areas if elected: promoting scholastic chess effectively, taking maximum advantage of the Internet and online chess play, upgrading the Business Office's internal computer systems, and keeping finances under control. I fully support the financial initiatives by new Executive Director Mike Cavallo. I am an active scholastic organizer and tournament director, a professional Webmaster (and co-creator of the USChess Online website), and a computer software developer/systems analyst with more than twenty years of experience. This background will be extremely useful and pertinent on a Policy Board that is facing major challenges. You can reach me by email at chess@, or check out my campaign Web site:

Garrett Scott

The Policy Board should take actions that fulfill the mission statement of USCF. I will support the following: Continuing support for youth chess, improving and supporting club development, enhanced internet presence including competitive capabilities, use of fast chess as a publicity tool, and tournament director recruitment programs My experiences have prepared me for the Policy Board. I have been TD of more than 250 USCF tournaments, organizer/ promoter/ director of more than a dozen U.S. Championship events, Chairman of the USCF Fast Chess Committee, Chairman of the USCF Scholastic Committee, Council member in a community of 40,000+ (board responsibility for a $32,000,000+ budget), USCF Chess City of the Year Award, and organizer of my local chess club (1967).

Sam Sloan

The time has arrived to abolish the system of "Life Voting Members" and to give dues paying members the right to vote. Democracy works best. The great masses of players will no longer tolerate the situation where the handful of politicos who control U.S. Chess engage in endless internet power struggles, while the players are allowed no vote. FIDE has fallen into the hands of a dictator. The World Chess Championship system for both men and women has been effectively abolished. The USCF must take a leading role in the formation of a new world chess organization today. Chess Players of the World Unite. You have nothing to lose at all.

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This page was last updated July 10, 1997

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