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1) Those submitting motions should review them in advance with appropriate committees and discuss them during workshops. I will routinely request committee positions on Delegate Motions.

2) The Delegate meeting will be tape recorded, therefore all speakers should state their name when using the microphone. They also should mention the state they represent, the first time they speak at the microphone.

3) All motions, substitute motions and amendments should be given to the Secretary in writing before being presented on the floor.

4) All debate and discussion on the substance of a motion will take place from the three floor microphones that are marked 'FOR', 'AGAINST' and 'PODIUM'. No one may speak into any of these microphones without first being recognized by the chair.

5) As we proceed through the agenda, the chair will recognize delegate(s) whose motion will be considered. These individuals will proceed to the Podium, present their motion and remain at the Podium during debate in order to answer points of information. They should leave the Podium and wait in line at the 'FOR' microphone if they wish to advance new arguments or rebut arguments of others.

6) If any delegate, including any of the PB members present on the dais, wish to speak to the substance of a motion, he/she must go to the 'FOR' or 'AGAINST' microphone and wait in line until recognized by the chair.

7) Delegates who have previously spoken to a motion should before speaking to the same issue again allow others who have not spoken a chance to express their views.

8) Delegates may only be recognized from the chair.

9) The chair will conduct all votes, including straw polls.

10) A short recess may be called each morning and afternoon at a convenient time determined by the chair.

Donald Schultz

President, USCF

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This page was last updated July 11, 1998

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