USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 6

White: Gata Kamsky

Black: Anatoly Karpov

Played 16 June 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier, assisted by SM Ron Burnett
Special Post-Game Analysis by GM Gabriel Schwartzmann

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

11. ... Ke8-d8
Full Game Score ... Previous Move ... Next Move
Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

This reply is safer than 11. ... Be7 which allows a dangerous pin on the e-file and gives the initiative to White. A sample line is 12. f3 Qh3 13. Re5! threatening 14. Bf1. (Black's time used 00:46)