USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 11

White: Anatoly Karpov

Black: Gata Kamsky

Played 26 June 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier, assisted by Brian Bugbee
Special Post-Game Analysis by GM Walter Browne
assisted by IM John Grefe
(GM Schwartzman is playing in the Interplay US Junior Invitational)

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

6. Qd1-c2
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Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

Again, a more conservative approach than the tactical 6. Bd3. The latter could introduce the famous Meran Variation, which proceeds 6. ...dxc4 7. Bxc4 b5 8. Bd3 a6 9. e4 c5, portending a sharp, complicated game. There are also many variants on this line, such as 8. ...b4, followed by 9. ...Bb7.