USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 11

White: Anatoly Karpov

Black: Gata Kamsky

Played 26 June 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier, assisted by Brian Bugbee
Special Post-Game Analysis by GM Walter Browne
assisted by IM John Grefe
(GM Schwartzman is playing in the Interplay US Junior Invitational)

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

66. ... e5-e4
Full Game Score ... Previous Move
Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

This shot dissolves the White pawns, and allows Black to safely achieve the "Philidor position."

Note especially that on 67. Kg4 Black plays the accurate 67. ... Rxf3 because 68. Rxf3 gxf3 69. Kxf3 Kf5 is a drawn K + P vs. K ending.

Gata saved this game by showing good defense and a thorough knowledge of basic theoretical endings. Club players lose these half-points all the time in their weekend Swisses, but a little knowledge will add lots of points to one's rating.