USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 14

White: Gata Kamsky

Black: Anatoly Karpov

Played 2 July 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier
assisted by NM Eric Johnson and Brian Bugbee
Special Post-Game Analysis by GM Walter Browne
and IM John Grefe

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

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61. ... Be6xg4
Full Game Score ... Previous Move
Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

The position is a standard book win - White resigns.

Final Thoughts:

A crushing defeat for the challenger - in a good position, he erred in time pressure (33. Ng1? did him in).

Karpov is now +4. The only thing standing between him and the title is ... his past history. The situation is much different, however, than during the 1984 match with Kasparov - there, the winner needed 6 wins, draws not counting. Back then, the challenger (Kasparov) could prolong the match by drawing.

Of course, in 1996, Anatoly now also has the 6 wins (6:2 in decisive games, 9:5 overall).