
About the USCF

Brochures and Forms

Activity Means Members

Member Services Area - MSA

Chess Life Magazine

Chess Trust

Mission Statement

Book and Equipment Sales

USCF's Online Newsletter

USCF Forums

Beginners Area

Section Descriptions


Below is a quick review of each section in this website:

What's New:"Your First Move" to see the latest additions to this website and important announcements.
Join: Learn about the benefits of joining the USCF. Become a member online via our store.
Shop:Over 1000 products are featured in our online store. Members receive discounts! Store search engine available!
News:News articles from the chess world as well official USCF press releases.
Contact Us: Phone, fax, and e-mail directory for USCF office staff and an FAQ area for those most frequently asked questions.
Members Only:This new area is for USCF members only and features articles, training, and events. Join the USCF to participate!
Ratings:Check your USCF rating or find the ratings of other players here.
Tournaments:Listing of USCF-rated chess events listed in Chess Life (monthly publication) and a wide variety of information for the Tournament Director
Top Players:Top 50 lists and players biographies and our Yearbook section as well as Grand Prix listings.
Clubs:Lists of thousands of chess clubs for adults, kids and college students, as well as a club news area.
Scholastics:Scholastic chess services and tournament information as well as an information area for the beginner.
ence Chess:
Correspondence chess information (news/forum/rules/ratings). Info on CC events available to order through our online store.
Links:A comprehensive set of hundreds of chess-related Internet links!
Governance:A wide range of information about the USCF organization as well as financial information, bylaws and minutes from the Executive Board and Delegate meetings, committee, state affiliates and delegate directories.

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[Tournaments] [Top Players] [Clubs] [Scholastic] [Correspondence Chess] [Links] [Governance]