US Chess Federation

Information for Tournament Directors/Organizers: The US Chess Federation is the official sanctioning body for tournament chess in the United States, and for US participation in international chess events. It has over 80,000 registered members. It rates "over the board" tournaments, and supports and promotes chess activities in scholastics and correspondence chess.

1999 Rating Lists Used for Invitational Events

For complete information on how invitations are issued for national events, see Invitations to National Events.

November 24, 1998

The USCF office has determined the rating lists that will be defined as the current published list at time of invitation for several of our championship events for the 1999 season.

Many USCF invitations are based in part on a complex average of current and peak published ratings.

For the events listed below, the invitational rating calculation is:

"...Average the published USCF rating at time of invitation with the peak published USCF rating (going back 12 months from the time of invitation)..."
For these events, the April 1999 rating list will be defined as current, and rating calculations will proceed based on the previous 12 months (six rating lists).

Event                                        Current Rating List
1999 Interplay U.S. Junior Championship      April 1999
1999 Interplay U.S. Championship             April 1999
1999 Interplay U.S. Women's Championship     April 1999

Players seeking to qualify for USCF invitational events are encouraged to complete their 10-game activity requirement by the cut-off dates for the lists shown above. The cut-off date for the April 1999 list is February 26, 1999. Events must be received by the USCF office by that date to have the chance to be included in the April 1999 list.

Players may satisfy the game count by playing in USCF-rated events during the 12-month period prior to the cut-off date of the current published list.

The complete list of USCF Invitational Event Requirements is published in the April yearbook issue of Chess Life and is available on the USCF website at Invitations to National Events.

Players with questions are encouraged to contact: Assistant Director Eric C. Johnson, U.S. Chess Federation, 3054 NYS Route 9W, New Windsor, NY 12553; Phone: (845) 562-8350; FAX: (914) 561- 2437; email: [email protected].


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This page was last updated November 30, 1998

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