How to Contact the USCF Office and Professional Staff
USCF's main offices are now in Crossville Tennessee (Central Time Zone)
Phone: 1-931-787-1234. (Calls to 1-845-562-8350 are now forwarded to 1-931-787-1234)
Fax: 1-931-787-1200 - office hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm
Chess Life phone # for New Windsor,NY: 1-845-565-8687 (Eastern Time Zone) - office hours:
Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm
Fax-New Windsor,NY: 1-845-561-CHES (2437) or Chess Life Fax: 1-845-236-4852
Mailing Address for Chess Life articles, TLA's (Tournament Life Announcements),
Display Ads, Mailing List Orders: US Chess, 3068 US Rt. 9W,
Suite #200, New Windsor, NY 12553
Mailing Address for ALL other USCF related mail (such as Accounting, Membership,
OTB Tournaments, Tournament Director Certification,Correspondence Entries): US Chess,
PO Box 3967,Crossville, TN 38557
To order a USCF Membership or enter a USCF Tournament, please use our
Join/Renew/Enter or use our Toll Free #: 1-800-903-USCF (903-8723).
Our USCF office hours are: Monday through Friday: 8am-5pm, (Central Time).
For other hours we offer voice mail option.
For ordering product, USCFSALES or call the sales department's toll free # 1-800-388-KING (388-5464).
You may also contact the office by filling out the following form and clicking the 'Send' button.
To contact members of the Executive Board, see the Executive Board Directory. To contact State associations, individual chess clubs, and Delegates, see the Directories section.
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