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Chess Life Online: Chess Buzz

The 1999 Interplay US Championships Begin August 22

This is the most prestigious event in the US Chess Federation calendar. The country's top players, including the previous year's US Open and US Junior champions, participate in a three-part knock-out event to see who will claim the year's title. Participants include the defending champion, GM Nick de Firmian, the country's #1 rated active player, GM Boris Gulko (also the 1998 US Open winner), the 1998 Junior Champion, IM Igor Shliperman, and many more.

We'll be providing daily coverage, including live commentary of at least 2 games each round by GM Michael Rohde in our new 1999 Interplay US Championships Feature Section.

Here are just some of the participants. All players are Grandmasters except for the 1998 US Junior Champion, Igor Shliperman, and Benjamin Finegold, who are International Masters. (Top 50 List players: if you have another digital photo you'd prefer, please send it to [email protected]. If you are a USCF Top 50 List player and have a photo that you need scanned, please send it to Joan Dubois at the USCF office.)

The Defending Champion:
Defending Champion Nick de Firmian Some of the other Participants:
1997 US Champion Joel BenjaminLarry ChristiansenRoman Dzindzichashvili John FedorowiczBoris GulkoGrandmaster Dmitri GurevichAlexander IvanovGregory KaidanovAlexander Shabalov1998 Junior Champion Igor Shliperman Alex Yermolinsky

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Well, that's the buzz for this week.

Have a hot story for us? A trend you want us to look into? An item only chessplayers can appreciate? Write [email protected]


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This page was last updated August 16, 1999

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