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This week's updates


The 100th US Open Championship will be held in Reno, Nevada, from August 10th - 19th. (An abbreviated schedule will begin August 15th.)

More than 10 Grandmasters had pre-registered for the event, including 1997 US Champion Joel Benjamin, 1998 US Senior Champion Arthur Bisguier, and the defending 1998 US Open Champion Boris Gulko (co-champion with GM Judit Polgar).

See the Official Website for details. The USCF Delegate Meeting will be held at the same time. For more information on the Policy Board and Delegates meetings, see the Governance Area.

Denker Tournament of High School Champions

GM Arnold Denker (who is also playing in the 1999 event) helps makes possible the Denker Tournament of High School Champions, an invitational event for the state-level high school champions from around the US held concurrently with the US Open. For information on this year's event, see the Denker Championship Feature in our Scholastic Section.

Pairings, Schedule, and Other Information

See the Tournament Life Announcement for full schedule and entry information.

Results for Each Round

The 1998 Event

Curious about the last US Open Tournament? Check the Official Press Release on the 1998 US Open Chess Championship.


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The US Chess Federation is the official sanctioning body for tournament chess in the United States, and for US participation in international chess events. It has over 80,000 members. In addition to rating tournaments, the USCF supports and promotes chess activities in scholastics and correspondence chess. The USCF publishes two national magazines, CHESS LIFE and SCHOOLMATES (for children).

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This page was last updated August 19, 1999

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