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Top Age 12 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation June 2024

1Lin, Bryan Enming (30020975)12NYUSA2277
2Ho, Carter (16196601)12NYUSA2246
3Damaraju, Ashwin (17010726)12CAUSA2238
4Liu, Patrick Peijun (16667410)12CAUSA2232
5Lu, Yiding (16857692)12WAUSA2227
6Hebbar, Eshaan (17075132)12NJUSA2220
7Liu, Aiden Q (16850092)12CAUSA2217
8Jagirapu, Harshin Reddy (17201452)12NMUSA2211
9Garg, Priyansh (17279963)12NYUSA2209
10Luger, Sam (16767486)12NYUSA2203
11Karthi, Jashith (30016333)12CAUSA2189
12Sethuraman, Roshan (16367678)12AZUSA2171
13Jing, Andrew (17052301)12DEUSA2162
14Zhou, Ruoyu (16640984)12CAUSA2154
15Williams, Oscar Izzy (30262542)12FLFOR2150
16Wu, Andrew (16967853)12NCUSA2130
17Wang, Kyle Y (16586700)12TXUSA2129
18Raman, Arjun (16786670)12INUSA2124
19Anandh, Vijay Srinivas (16996844)12TXUSA2116
20Yang, Daniel (16464806)12TXUSA2114
21Zhu, Ryan (15842723)12NJUSA2112
22Gattani, Sarthak (30075816)12CAUSA2108
23Lee, Rohan (30029804)12NYUSA2103
24Saxena, Vihaan (16458708)12NJUSA2099
25Guillemette, Hugo (17248755)12QCFOR2090
26Jain, Vihaan (16584243)12MAUSA2079
27Yang, Maxwell Z (16416795)12FLUSA2075
28Zhou, Ivan (17352346)12CAUSA2069
29Chaudhury, Anmay Kumar (16936713)12GAUSA2061
30Wu, Jayden (16636182)12USA2060
31Sherwood, Forest J (30026768)12CAUSA2049
32Chanda, Shouryesh (30202461)12INUSA2042
33Rallabandi, Krishna K (16752001)12NCUSA2041
34Zhong, Ryan Yunhui (31377331)12ONFOR2037
35Bize, Nicholas Tim (16755503)12OHUSA2034
36Schwartz, Raphael D (16780293)12AZUSA2024
37Amrany, Benjamin (17261253)12VAUSA2023
38Wang, Eric (16459676)12GAUSA2021
39Pendse, Vihaan (16802540)12NCUSA2018
40Ulloa Centeno, Leandro Nicholas (17090646)12NJFOR2013
41Ram, Jwalanthi (17125210)12GAUSA2008
42Santosh, Saharsh (17153914)12GAUSA1992
43Thimmasamudram, Sandeep (16278356)12MDUSA1989
44Yan, Daniel Ziheng (16741070)12AZUSA1987
=44Vichare, Ruhan Yogesh (16926428)12CAUSA1987
46Wang, Freyr (16741168)12MIUSA1980
47Wong, Wyatt (17016313)12NYUSA1968
48Bhangale, Likhit (16764726)12TXUSA1961
49Ilyasov, Ahmed (30131511)12MNUSA1955
50Degeest, Rocco Jan (30438419)12COUSA1953
51You, Eden (16530026)12NYUSA1951
=51Kumbharathi, Vedansh (30024270)12PAUSA1951
53Wang, Aaron Yitian (30150762)12SCUSA1947
54Huang, George (17068417)12CAUSA1941
55Sun, Ethan (16964125)12CAUSA1937
56Shen, Yangyang (17080503)12TXUSA1933
=56Liu, Zachary Hankun (17349625)12BCFOR1933
58Sridhar, Jagadeeshwar Yehamandram (16674898)12VAUSA1932
59Ji, Yuze Luke (16237733)12MAUSA1924
60Duda-Thomson, Riley Joseph (16881026)12NYUSA1922
61Jin, David (17168834)12CAUSA1918
62Baranwal, Suvan (16673000)12NYUSA1914
=62Qi, Jenny (17050786)12CAUSA1914
64Zhang, Louis (16785655)12OHUSA1913
=64Pimanoff, Theodore V (17124861)12NYUSA1913
=64Zhao, Austin (17280624)12NYUSA1913
67Rummens, Calvin Titus (30450844)12CAUSA1912
68Vuyyuru, Shriyan (17035355)12TXUSA1910
69Gao, Lilianna (30026918)12CTUSA1903
70Matsunaga, Toma (17330352)12NYFOR1902
71Ramachandran, Advait (16764382)12TXUSA1897
72Ohly, Oliver (16469982)12KSUSA1894
73Wang, Connor Junda (16470052)12NYUSA1893
74Lee, Justin (16713783)12ILUSA1891
75Muneepeerakul, Analaya (16128815)12FLUSA1888
76Roy, Ayush (16710940)12FLUSA1886
77Peyton, Nathan (16452322)12NYUSA1873
78Yin, Derek Junwen (16493370)12USA1863
79Yu, Kaiwen (30211474)12CAUSA1862
=79Fedorov, Svetoslav Borisovich (31479603)12MDUSA1862
81Fogo Esquivel, Levi Kalani Alexander (30159592)12ROOFOR1858
82Yoon, Jeremy K (16880148)12NYUSA1855
83Grover, Aastik (17079183)12NVUSA1849
84Yu, Vincent Zhiwen (17165368)12NYUSA1846
85Shrivastava, Nivaan (30075883)12NJUSA1844
86Chong, Hanford (16437661)12VAUSA1840
=86Li, Allen (17053367)12NCUSA1840
88Liu, Andrew X (16340541)12MAUSA1838
89Chang, Leonhard (17018215)12NJUSA1836
90Ahsan, Nair (31131425)12CAUSA1835
91Hsiao, Oliver (16905993)12CAUSA1834
92Wang, Leonardo (16895190)12WAFOR1832
93Nguyen, John L (16673990)12TNUSA1827
=93Tjipto, Gavin (30152362)12CAUSA1827
95Petukhov, Arthur (16615802)12TXUSA1826
96Lin, Ashley (16669814)12CAUSA1819
=96Deng, Michael (16811908)12MDUSA1819
98Sun, Charlie (17114801)12CAUSA1817
99Ramkumar, Nikhil (30040897)12WAUSA1815
100Dsouza, Aiden (17037367)12AZUSA1813
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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