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Top Age 9 June 2024

1Shangin, Lev (17117362)9NYUSA2150
2Xia, Joshua (30026083)9CAUSA2123
3Ling, Chenxuan (17159983)9NYUSA2121
4Wang, Rocky (17133074)9MIUSA2070
5Zhang, Oscar Yihang (30067435)9TXUSA2018
6Mulay, Vivan Prakash (30366447)9FLUSA1993
7Zheng, Lerui (30023898)9MIUSA1990
8Guntaka, Aayansh (30198721)9AZUSA1989
9Paragiri, Reyansh (30233070)9CAUSA1974
10Jani, Aakash (17179264)9FLUSA1934
11Sha, Yi (30451952)9FLUSA1918
12Schaefer, Sasha Milo (30360321)9NYUSA1906
13Milner, Romi (30038989)9CAUSA1886
14Yu, Matthew (30074521)9ILUSA1859
15Zhang, Royce (30154455)9RIUSA1857
16Zou, Andrew (30100762)9CAUSA1852
17Kolli, Rishi (30358373)9TXUSA1851
18Gu, Oliver Ranxi (30058957)9NJUSA1850
19Ni, Leo (30407439)9CAUSA1844
20Doddapaneni, Viyaan Krishna (30316768)9NJUSA1837
21Mahajan, Krish (31087905)9MNUSA1824
22Sanghani, Tanay (30023364)9SCUSA1818
23Dubey, Shiv (17241381)9NYUSA1803
24Shrivastava, Ansh (30136879)9CAUSA1801
25Dancig-Perlman, Gogo (17151222)9CAUSA1795
26Shen, Alice (30325151)9NYUSA1792
27Yu, Nicole Q (30489659)9DEUSA1788
28Jha, Keya (30189449)9OHUSA1773
29Cui, Chris (30048697)9MAUSA1772
30Wang, Howard (30291617)9CAUSA1767
31Maddipati, Srihas Sai Sarvesh (17152864)9TXUSA1766
32Bhoopathi, Rishith (30394882)9NJUSA1758
33Manchanda, Advik (30054176)9TXUSA1751
34Pavuluri, Vivaan (30203278)9USA1744
35Kavari, Aarav (30521299)9MIUSA1743
36Yao, Annie (30095222)9TXUSA1739
37Gurumoorthi, Gurugrahan (30149738)9NEUSA1707
38Li, Jayden (30082341)9NJUSA1691
39Liu, Chloe (30081462)9TXUSA1687
40Cheng, Samuel (30067638)9NYUSA1684
41Zhu, Alicia (17319976)9MAUSA1676
42Wang, Nathan Zicheng (30419004)9TXUSA1669
43Zhang, Lawrence (30167437)9TXUSA1666
=43Wong, Hudson (30716757)9NYUSA1666
45Lui, Isaac Noah (30138098)9NYUSA1660
46Silvestre, Lucas (30021630)9ILUSA1647
47Qu, Brian (30017435)9NJUSA1636
48Liu, Caden (30149077)9MDUSA1631
49Bee, Leonel (30444207)9TXUSA1624
50Liu, Connor Xiang (30071216)9MAUSA1617
51Paas, Leo (30337747)9NYUSA1614
52Mutha, Kabir Partha (30025432)9NYUSA1610
53Tisminezky, Tavi (30027801)9CAUSA1606
54Krishnan, Shreyas (30058648)9VAUSA1603
=54Jin, Evan Y (30495540)9MOUSA1603
56Saha, Tanisha (17305578)9FLUSA1593
57Grover, Vihan (30105977)9CAUSA1590
58Zhang, Ella Xinyue (30305617)9MAUSA1584
59Han, Ethan (30036213)9CAUSA1582
=59Kumbharathi, Eeshan (30260472)9PAUSA1582
61Tal, Daniel (30693976)9FLUSA1575
62He, Julian (30364859)9TXUSA1561
63Baksi, Antariksh (30053974)9TXUSA1559
64Wang, Grace Ofia Nuoyi (30541277)9MIUSA1556
65Hua, Joshua (30191695)9CAUSA1539
66Zhang, Miller (30746121)9CAUSA1538
67Hoja, Saeed (17050607)9TNUSA1533
=67Kim, Ethan J (30043223)9NYUSA1533
69Gao, Pinhang (30144881)9VAUSA1530
70Mak, Owen (30234823)9NYUSA1529
=70Uchiyama, Hiro (30500991)9CAUSA1529
72Merriman, Dann Hu (17079355)9WAUSA1519
73Xu, Kevin (30156827)9NYUSA1512
=73Liu, Joseph (30493956)9NJUSA1512
75Han, Theodore (17225140)9NYUSA1511
76Tran, Timothy (30489133)9NYUSA1504
77Aronov, Zack (17264247)9NYUSA1499
=77Chen, Raymond (30299312)9GAUSA1499
=77Anand, Anirudh (30324099)9MIUSA1499
80Tkaczewski, Krystian (30706741)9CTUSA1497
81Ammasani, Samanyu (30130087)9NCUSA1496
=81Arun, Pranav (30280437)9NCUSA1496
=81Yang, Matthew (30302170)9TXUSA1496
84Wang, Miles (30811327)9GAUSA1492
85Ouyang, Raymond (30136126)9NJUSA1491
86Liu, Vincent W (30188920)9NYUSA1480
87Muthiah, Yugan (30037296)9TXUSA1471
88Wu, Terrain (30135638)9NYUSA1469
89Shrikkanth, Avyukth (30495983)9COUSA1467
90Seidel, Eli (17241710)9CAUSA1466
91Rangamreddy, Aashvi Sri (30528417)9CAUSA1465
92Rajagopalan, Aadhya Jay (30065644)9TXUSA1464
93Liu, Matthew (30153683)9GAUSA1459
94Weng, Johnson (30136161)9NYUSA1449
95Mcdonald, James (30132859)9FLUSA1445
96Suresh, Kawin Sayi (30082137)9TXUSA1442
97Kremer, Gregory (30669865)9TXUSA1438
98Huang, Paul (30413947)9NCUSA1437
99He, Elsa (30101779)9TNUSA1435
=99Das, Abhinav (30869719)9TXUSA1435
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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