Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2011 arrow August 2011

Top Age 17 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation August 2011

1Zierk, Steven C (12796611)17CAUSA2531
2Holt, Conrad (12937909)17KSUSA2520
3Lee, Michael (12858009)17WAUSA2437
4Getz, Alec (12805454)17NYUSA2423
5Fisher, William (12910347)17PAUSA2369
6Chen, Howard Jed (12864719)17WAUSA2362
7Rosen, Eric S (12853959)17ILUSA2333
8Aaron, Deepak (12877422)17NYUSA2332
9Sturt, Raven M (12836880)17NYUSA2315
10Shvartsman, Andrew Nathaniel (12812851)17NJUSA2293
11Gershenov, Ben (12831900)17NYUSA2279
12Vilenchuk, Michael Boris (12811395)17OHUSA2252
13Tuhrim, Richard J (12782429)17NYUSA2244
14Huang, Vincent (12871188)17CAUSA2235
15Dahl, Matthew D (12907857)17MNUSA2227
16He, Tianyi (13039657)17CAUSA2220
17Leve, Nitai D (12796261)17NYUSA2207
18Finol, David E (14676783)17MDVEN2199
19Manvelyan, Hayk (12848071)17CAUSA2193
20Xue, Dyland Mooching (13004012)17CTUSA2175
21Markovits, Alex (12929199)17OHUSA2171
22Miller, Jake S (12814700)17NYUSA2150
Powell, Mitchell (13035461)17TXUSA2150
24Amarasinghe, Prashantha N (12856393)17MNSRI2143
25Landesman, Aaron (12913985)17NYUSA2130
26Daly, Chaz (12785817)17FLUSA2127
27Gay, Daniel Zachary (12832272)17ORUSA2120
28Xue, Robert (13176186)17CAUSA2111
29Thompson, Seth (12911188)17TXUSA2106
30Moore, Quentin R (12789364)17VAUSA2100
31Ummel, Igor (12851589)17WAUSA2097
32Tsoi, Alan (12766716)17CAUSA2096
33Dai, Yang (12897613)17VAUSA2094
34Xin, Samuel (12921546)17NCUSA2078
35Mcnamara, Tanner Austin (12826477)17MDUSA2056
36Orlowski, Jesse N (12841890)17CAUSA2055
37Liu, Matthew (12892273)17TXUSA2043
38Powell, Alexander E (12917866)17MNUSA2031
39Bryant, Daniel (12872964)17AZUSA2026
40Yang, Felix M (12879870)17MAUSA2025
41Eng, Randel (12922545)17AZUSA2024
42Pan, Hongkai (13231703)17WIUSA2008
43Liou, Arthur (12906142)17CAUSA1998
44Rozhansky, Lior (12825910)17MAUSA1997
45Sun, Terrence (13039678)17CAUSA1994
46Treiman, Scott (12938133)17UTUSA1990
47Weiss, Loren E (12853679)17NYUSA1985
Serna, Jeffrey Michael (12867105)17NMUSA1985
Lozano, Andrew Nathanael (13417670)17TXUSA1985
50Thangirala, Avinash G (12958237)17TXUSA1983
51Nguyen, Vincent D (12808163)17AZUSA1982
52Ewing, Gabriel Randolph (12826782)17NMUSA1976
53Klionsky, Michael (12791763)17FLUSA1975
54Christianson, Michael A (12910442)17GAUSA1972
55Chen, Tony X (12738081)17UTUSA1971
56Steinberg, Max (13102590)17NYUSA1967
57Wasdahl, Alexander John (12834765)17OHUSA1960
58Meduri, Aakaash (12834788)17ILUSA1958
59Knowles, Chase (13441952)17TNUSA1956
60Dubin, Joshua (12765381)17ILUSA1955
61Fang, Zhou (13131376)17TXUSA1953
62Polsky, Ryan (12846935)17CAUSA1945
63Perez, Jesus (12887794)17NYUSA1943
64Wong, Joseph Chun-Him (12889927)17TXUSA1936
65Altman-Desole, Benjamin J (12815494)17NYUSA1933
66Manber, Devon (12820664)17WAUSA1930
67Chillakanti, Mukund (12803861)17CAUSA1928
68Cotter, Samuel Jackson (12824495)17AZUSA1926
69Litvak, Eve V (12799901)17NJUSA1919
Duncan, Paul Raymond (12876765)17CAUSA1919
71Chen, Danny (12912139)17TXUSA1913
Jimenez, Christian (12931125)17FLUSA1913
Shanks, Titus Z (13713183)17TXUSA1913
74Edler, Christopher (12885090)17GAUSA1893
75Vakharia, Ajit (12899473)17FLUSA1892
76Kallman, Samuel (12800534)17GAUSA1890
Murray, Ashanti (13844968)17NYUSA1890
78Qian, Steven C (13193195)17CAUSA1889
79Xu, Winber (12804554)17MAUSA1888
Qazi, Rafeh (14162998)17ILUSA1888
81Dejong, Andrew (13317315)17NCUSA1886
Joshi, Kairav (14257948)17IDUSA1886
83Kumar, Vikas (12920966)17TNUSA1878
84Wai, Brian (12917687)17CAUSA1877
Blann, Marcus Cecil (13701628)17OHUSA1877
86Kodali, Suhas (13764792)17WIUSA1876
Jacobs, Casey (14189801)17NYUSA1876
88Lu, Edward T (12797826)17NMUSA1873
89Moore, Kenzie L (13028820)17SCUSA1868
90Denunzio, Robert Ames (12847697)17CTUSA1866
91Wiener, Alexandra (12873148)17CTUSA1863
92Pfefer, Jonathan (12937691)17PAUSA1861
93Wolfson, Ben (12806175)17NYUSA1855
94Narula, Gautam R (12928544)17GAUSA1853
95Dixon, Blake William (12812856)17WAUSA1852
Rasmuson, Daniel (12970715)17MNUSA1852
Kelly, Jacob (12986953)17PAUSA1852
98Lee, Richard (12879937)17NVUSA1848
99Gibbon, Brian C (14234621)17WAUSA1847
100Lakomkin, Nikita (13901315)17CTUSA1845
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
