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Quick Overall December 2012

1Nakamura, Hikaru (12641216)MOUSA2800
2Kamsky, Gata (12528459)NYUSA2721
3Gulko, Boris (12473035)NJUSA2682
4Yermolinsky, Alex (12534917)SDUSA2658
5Stripunsky, Alexander (12715435)NJUSA2614
6Shabalov, Alexander (12544264)PAUSA2601
7Browne, Walter S (10488192)CAUSA2591
8Akobian, Varuzhan (12740522)KSUSA2590
9Lenderman, Aleksandr (12787646)NYUSA2581
10Finegold, Benjamin P (11264417)MOUSA2578
11Fishbein, Alexander (12077910)NJUSA2577
12Benjamin, Joel (10102511)NJUSA2573
13Gareev, Timur (13262157)TXUSA2566
14Becerra, Julio J (12778049)FLUSA2551
15Alburt, Lev (12078790)NYUSA2550
16Khachiyan, Melikset (12827326)CAUSA2538
17Sammour-Hasbun, Jorge E (12496662)RIUSA2527
Sagalchik, Gennady (12565070)NYUSA2527
19Hess, Robert L (12749774)NYUSA2512
20Sevillano, Enrico (12650696)CAUSA2511
21Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)MAUSA2510
22Perelshteyn, Eugene (12627196)MAUSA2508
23Altounian, Levon (12625289)AZUSA2506
24Norowitz, Yaacov (12566496)NJUSA2504
25Brooks, Michael A (11045685)MOUSA2485
26Ramirez, Alejandro (12688291)TXUSA2476
27Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)ILUSA2469
28Kudrin, Sergey (11257585)CTUSA2462
29Rohde, Michael A (10047871)NYUSA2446
30Arnold, Marc Tyler (12770589)NYUSA2443
31Blocker, Calvin (10262160)OHUSA2434
32Smith, Bryan G (12602587)PAUSA2432
33Foygel, Igor (12563122)MAUSA2431
34Shankland, Sam (12852765)CAUSA2425
35Perez, Robert (12913092)FLUSA2424
36Krush, Irina (12543137)NYUSA2417
37Lakdawala, Cyrus F (11486738)CAUSA2413
38Banawa, Joel (12922625)AZUSA2410
39Ippolito, Dean (12445752)NJUSA2396
Gulamali, Kazim (12680172)GAUSA2396
41Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)NYUSA2395
42Arnold, Jeffrey Scott (12538346)CAUSA2394
43Vigorito, David (12426279)MAUSA2386
44Shen, Victor C (12809707)NJUSA2382
45Sarkar, Justin (12561884)NYUSA2368
46Rizzitano, James A (10019656)MAUSA2367
Morrison, William (10099277)MDUSA2367
Cusi, Ronald Lazo (12455815)CAUSA2367
49Troff, Kayden W (12939342)UTUSA2366
50Zimbeck, David Alan (12664451)OHUSA2365
51Braylovskiy, Grigoriy (12588419)NYUSA2364
52London, Dmitry (12233800)NJUSA2363
53Holt, Conrad (12937909)KSUSA2361
54Bartell, Thomas (12559979)PAUSA2350
55Burnett, Ronald (12093120)TNUSA2348
56Getz, Shelby D (11288499)MDUSA2347
Rensch, Daniel M (12659833)AZUSA2347
Esserman, Marc (20008479)MAUSA2347
59Adamson, Robby (12150400)AZUSA2346
60Maltese, Adam Samuel (12578045)NYUSA2342
61Monokroussos, Dennis (11502229)INUSA2339
62Bruno, Ronald Armando, Jr (12759258)CAUSA2338
63Foisor, Sabina-Francesca (14012260)MDUSA2335
64Daftani, Maraj (12779390)NJUSA2334
65Bryant, John Daniel (12796667)CAUSA2332
66Naroditsky, Daniel A (12892910)CAUSA2331
67Costigan, Richard A (10161371)NJUSA2327
Bartholomew, John David (12718516)MNUSA2327
69Balandin, Alex (12596603)MNUSA2326
70Fang, Joseph H (10018790)NHUSA2323
71Gorman, Dov (12462633)NJUSA2322
72Zlotnikov, Mikhail (11453015)NJUSA2320
73Meyers, Jerald (10133254)PAUSA2315
Molner, Mackenzie S (12662506)AZUSA2315
Fernandez, Daniel (20058682)TXUSA2315
76Winslow, Elliott Charles (10363365)CAUSA2314
77Barnett, Alex (12657899)MDUSA2311
78Kelleher, William (10012571)MAUSA2309
79Stein, Alan R (12499885)NYUSA2306
Herman, Matthew J (12626280)NYUSA2306
81Bereolos, Peter (11414966)TNUSA2303
Enkhbat, Tegshsuren (12723905)MDUSA2303
83Simpson, Ronald (11138187)NCUSA2298
84Renna, Anthony (10115094)NYUSA2297
Arnold, Ken L (12538347)CAUSA2297
86Winer, Steven (12549813)MAUSA2295
87Griffith, Kyron W (12860484)CAUSA2294
88Rubenchik, Rodion V (12413101)PAUSA2293
89Kiewra, Keaton (12642647)TXUSA2292
90Tangborn, Eric K (10511496)WAUSA2288
91Lindsay, Fred (10291054)MIUSA2285
92Gleyzer, Leonid (12683222)OHUSA2284
93Stewart, Michael R (11061095)MSUSA2283
94Kahn, Aaron E (12814043)MIUSA2282
95Wang, Kevin (12927795)MDUSA2281
96Bighamian, Mick (12006960)CAUSA2279
Santarius, Erik (12841108)WIUSA2279
98Akopyan, Harutyun (20054469)CAUSA2278
99Kaufman, Ray (20058328)CAUSA2275
100Defibaugh, Jared (12923890)MDUSA2273
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
