Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2015 arrow January 2015

Top Quick Under Age 16 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation January 2015

1Chandra, Akshat (14864036)15NJUSA2503
2Xiong, Jeffery (13648621)14TXUSA2379
3Chiang, Jonathan (13091096)14TXUSA2302
4Yim, Tony (14153602)15AZKOR2292
5Li, Ruifeng (13768313)13TXUSA2226
6Sheng, Joshua (13974250)14CAUSA2221
7He, Tommy O (13354250)14TXUSA2216
8Chow, Colin (13822210)15CAUSA2215
9Lin, Dachey (13147854)15TXUSA2201
10Vaidya, Atulya (13252537)15TXUSA2170
=10Crump, Alexander J (13607663)14NYUSA2170
12Li, Ethan (13539092)14NYUSA2156
=12Kim, Yoon-Young (14671518)13CTUSA2156
14Naguleswaran, Annorjan (14210268)13OHUSA2152
15Yang, Christopher (13228721)15PAUSA2147
16Balakrishnan, Praveen (14056673)12NJUSA2135
17Obili, Abhishek Reddy (14362815)15TXUSA2129
18Graif, William (13346841)15NYCAN2120
19Rambaldi, Francesco (13962544)15NJITA2111
20Li, Zhaozhi (13646954)14ILUSA2108
21Polgar-Shutzman, Tom (13060416)15MOUSA2105
22Nydick, Brandon (13809493)13NYUSA2102
23Tang, Andrew (13215196)15MNUSA2101
24Sun, Rick (14444430)12AZUSA2097
25Shi, Jason (14026495)14CTUSA2096
26Wahl, Jackson (13998681)15MNUSA2088
27Ludwig, John Gabriel (13721287)14FLUSA2087
28Xie, Tianming (13928401)13TXUSA2085
29Pillai, Kadhir And (13344871)14NYUSA2084
30Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)11NJUSA2078
31Zheng, Andrew (14073572)12MDUSA2068
32Sevian, Samuel (13493815)14MAUSA2065
=32Vasudeva, Tanuj (13516867)13CAUSA2065
34Patel, Advait (14472386)12OKUSA2064
35Lohr, Justin (13917930)15VAUSA2061
36Elberling, Thomas (14095916)11NJUSA2060
37Hilby, Craig (13744720)14CAUSA2059
38Wheeler, Cameron (13473477)14CAUSA2051
=38Stearman, Josiah Paul (14006506)11CAUSA2051
40Wang, Xiexin (13737943)15AZUSA2043
41Gu, Alan (14075364)15NJUSA2038
=41Gu, Brian Fanyuan (14100620)11TXUSA2038
43Banik, Siddharth G (14090052)14CAUSA2035
44Chor, Kevin Derek (14646646)9AZUSA2034
45Kavi, Nithin (14212491)13MAUSA2033
46Feng, Roland (13631615)14WAUSA2027
47Zhang, Eric (13402792)15NYUSA2026
=47Chen, Justin (14732288)11NYUSA2026
49Tanenbaum, Zachary Chen (13616253)14CTUSA2024
50Pinisetti, Prateek (14331922)14AZUSA2023
51Kumar, Aravind (13668844)12NJUSA2022
=51Liu, Aristo S (14702445)11OHUSA2022
53Liu, Bovey (13862594)13TXUSA2018
54Burke, John Michael (14069596)13NJUSA2016
55Ha, Spencer (13982636)14NYUSA2014
56Botek, Jonny G (13823564)15OHUSA2013
57Yen, Michael (13793667)14NJUSA2009
58Rudra, Pranav (14450825)15AZUSA2006
=58Cao, Jason (14662061)14BCCAN2006
60Bick, Gabriel James (14452555)15CAUSA2005
61Roach, Andrew (14039004)12UTUSA2001
62Zhu, Zechariah (14631162)14CAUSA1999
63Lu, Albert (13919220)13CAUSA1995
=63Ganthapodi, Maanav S (14060533)11NJUSA1995
65Liao, Simone (13228302)15CAUSA1992
66Balleisen, Aaron S (13093767)15NCUSA1987
67Arab, Kiana (14698186)14AZUSA1985
68Krishnan, Ajay (14375346)11CAUSA1984
69Tiglon, Bryce (14230627)14WAUSA1981
70Panchanatham, Vignesh (13439575)14CAUSA1977
71Moazami, Amir (13361544)14NYUSA1971
=71Kostovetsky, Daniel (13454854)14NYUSA1971
=71Vilotijevic, Lazar (13809555)14NYUSA1971
74Virtanen, Teemu (14935806)15CAFIN1966
75Krishna, Ram (14694293)13TXUSA1965
76Yip, Carissa Shiwen (14514636)11MAUSA1964
77Titus, Andrew Lewis (14060637)12MNUSA1963
78Liang, Awonder (13999045)11WIUSA1961
79Heesters, Pieter S (14258612)10MDUSA1959
=79Proleiko, Julian (14836268)15MOUSA1959
=79Rivero, Danilo (15143565)15FLCUB1959
82Liu, Kevin (14737573)12TXUSA1958
83Perkins, Joaquin K (13732183)10CAUSA1957
84Devagharan, Devina (13917532)13TXUSA1956
85Pascetta, Daniel (13492310)15CTUSA1953
86Beilin, Allan (13464955)15CAUSA1952
=86Welling, Aashish (14343251)15NHUSA1952
88Shlionsky, Aaron (14494062)12NJUSA1950
89Iyengar, Udit (13795046)14CAUSA1949
90Shen, Christopher Yu-Shuo (14432243)10OHUSA1948
91Costello, Alexander John (14702870)11CAUSA1946
92Diem, Thomas (14382934)14CAUSA1945
93Sahakian, Mateos Gourken (12928449)15MAUSA1944
94Hon, Eric (13778105)15UTUSA1942
=94Alexander, Joshua (14933293)15OKUSA1942
96Song, Edward (13994740)15MIUSA1941
=96Paciorkowski, Lev (14774846)15NYUSA1941
98Hoyos, Carlos D (14676301)14FLUSA1939
99Pensky, Alek Ryan (13214867)15AZUSA1932
=99Xie, Luke Bohua (14160368)12OHUSA1932
=99Nguyen, Trung (14261903)12VAUSA1932
=99Li, Dennis Fan (14301848)12CTUSA1932
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
