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Top Quick Under Age 16 June 2015

1Xiong, Jeffery (13648621)14TXUSA2395
2Checa, Nicolas De T (14129047)13NYUSA2346
3Chiang, Jonathan (13091096)15TXUSA2302
4Li, Ruifeng (13768313)13TXUSA2293
5Niemann, Hans Moke (15041466)11CTUSA2226
6Sheng, Joshua (13974250)14CAUSA2223
7He, Tommy (13354250)15TXUSA2212
8Chow, Colin (13822210)15CAUSA2209
9Vaidya, Atulya (13252537)15TXUSA2203
10Lin, Dachey (13147854)15TXUSA2201
11Crump, Alexander J (13607663)14NYUSA2184
12Balakrishnan, Praveen (14056673)13NJUSA2174
13Li, Ethan (13539092)15NYUSA2156
14Tang, Andrew (13215196)15MNUSA2149
=14Nydick, Brandon (13809493)13NYUSA2149
16Naguleswaran, Annorjan (14210268)14OHUSA2134
17Patel, Advait (14472386)12OKUSA2128
18Obili, Abhishek Reddy (14362815)15TXUSA2126
19Yip, Carissa Shiwen (14514636)11MAUSA2125
20Li, Zhaozhi (13646954)15ILUSA2120
=20Jacobson, Aaron (13871294)15NJUSA2120
=20Kim, Yoon-Young (14671518)13CTUSA2120
23Zheng, Andrew (14073572)12MDUSA2111
24Shi, Jason (14026495)14CTUSA2104
25Pillai, Kadhir And (13344871)14NYUSA2095
26Wahl, Jackson (13998681)15MNUSA2093
27Ludwig, John Gabriel (13721287)15FLUSA2087
28Xie, Tianming (13928401)13TXUSA2082
29Liu, Aristo S (14702445)12OHUSA2067
30Sevian, Samuel (13493815)14MAUSA2064
31Kostovetsky, Daniel (13454854)15NYUSA2060
32Hilby, Craig (13744720)15CAUSA2059
33Chor, Kevin Derek (14646646)10AZUSA2056
34Shlionsky, Aaron (14494062)13NJUSA2051
35Lohr, Justin (13917930)15VAUSA2050
=35Gu, Brian Fanyuan (14100620)11TXUSA2050
37Sowa, Ryan (13751622)14RIUSA2048
38Gu, Alan (14075364)15NJUSA2045
=38Paciorkowski, Lev (14774846)15NYUSA2045
40Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)11NJUSA2043
41Sun, Rick (14444430)12AZUSA2042
42Yen, Michael (13793667)15NJUSA2041
43Costello, Alexander John (14702870)11CAUSA2038
44Banik, Siddharth G (14090052)14CAUSA2035
=44Pinisetti, Prateek (14331922)14AZUSA2035
46Kumar, Aravind (13668844)12NJUSA2029
47Burke, John Michael (14069596)13NJUSA2028
48Nguyen, Trung Q (14261903)12VAUSA2027
49Wheeler, Cameron (13473477)14CAUSA2025
=49Tanenbaum, Zachary Chen (13616253)14CTUSA2025
=49Chen, Justin (14732288)12NYUSA2025
52Feng, Roland (13631615)14WAUSA2023
53Liu, Bovey (13862594)13TXUSA2018
54Yang, Kevin S (14715374)12CAUSA2014
55Titus, Andrew Lewis (14060637)13MNUSA2011
56Krishna, Ram (14694293)14TXUSA2008
57Tiglon, Bryce (14230627)14WAUSA2007
58Devagharan, Devina (13917532)13TXUSA1999
=58Ha, Spencer (13982636)14NYUSA1999
=58Zhu, Zechariah (14631162)15CAUSA1999
61Moazami, Amir (13361544)15NYUSA1996
62Lu, Albert (13919220)14CAUSA1995
=62Ganthapodi, Maanav S (14060533)11NJUSA1995
64Lin, Daniel (13345550)15CAUSA1994
=64Li, Dennis Fan (14301848)12CTUSA1994
66Hernandez-Camen, Angel (14320958)15PAUSA1993
67Trakru, Priya Nikita (13806686)14TXUSA1990
68Householder, Aaron (13487640)14CAUSA1988
=68Roach, Andrew (14039004)13UTUSA1988
=68Alexander, Joshua (14933293)15OKUSA1988
71Stearman, Josiah Paul (14006506)11CAUSA1986
72Heesters, Pieter S (14258612)11MDUSA1979
73Panchanatham, Vignesh (13439575)15CAUSA1977
74Vilotijevic, Lazar (13809555)14NYUSA1970
75Feng, Ryan (14215155)13NJUSA1962
76Iyengar, Udit (13795046)15CAUSA1961
=76Liang, Awonder (13999045)12WIUSA1961
78Sinha, Sahil (14307325)14MDUSA1958
79Xie, Luke Bohua (14160368)12OHUSA1951
80Sonawane, Atharv P (14932640)13TXUSA1949
81Shen, Christopher Yu-Shuo (14432243)11OHUSA1948
82Xie, Ethan (14202713)14AZUSA1942
83Song, Edward (13994740)15MIUSA1941
=83Meyer, Evan (14057593)14MAUSA1941
85Talyansky, Seth (14261574)14ORUSA1939
86Nguyen, Anthony Quan (13942425)14TXUSA1938
=86Nguyen, Tan D (14261918)11VAUSA1938
88Li, Jimmy (13996265)14NJUSA1936
=88Nguyen, Darian (14751121)13AZUSA1936
90Kavi, Nithin (14212491)13MAUSA1935
=90Fink, Justin (14646688)15AZUSA1935
92Szabo, Marcell (14081456)14WAUSA1932
=92Krishnan, Ajay (14375346)11CAUSA1932
94Viswanadha, Kesav (13159334)15CAUSA1931
95Qu, Jerry (13421896)14CAUSA1929
=95Torras, Teseo L (13651556)15NYUSA1929
97Sahakian, Mateos Gourken (12928449)15MAUSA1928
98Vasserman, Daniel (14419311)15NYUSA1927
99Cunningham, Omar Elijah (15042056)14NYUSA1926
100Kelly, Joey Michael (14143543)14KSUSA1925
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
