Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2021 arrow December 2021

Online-Quick Top Age 50 and Over Regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation December 2021

1Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)65MAUSA2462
2Tarjan, James Edward (10991820)69ORUSA2436
3Rohde, Michael A (10047871)62NYUSA2343
4Gorman, Dov (12462633)59NJUSA2312
5Adamson, Robby (12150400)51AZUSA2285
6Chabris, Christopher F (11316425)55PAUSA2192
7Dolgitser, Konstantin (12404173)64NYUSA2172
8Chambers, Chris L. (12168500)55GAUSA2132
=8Barnakov, Yury Anatolievich (12964843)55ALUSA2132
10Marcelino, William (12423786)61VAUSA2106
11Winslow, Elliott (10363365)69CAUSA2093
12Johnson, Joel F (10009596)65AZUSA2085
13Shapiro, Daniel E (10094879)66NYUSA2076
14Brownscombe, Tom (12403209)53NVUSA2062
=14Grasso, David (12515121)51NJUSA2062
16Eckert, Doug D (12107920)57MOUSA2051
17Jones, Kenneth Eugene (10364841)66MOUSA2049
18Wall, Brian D (10923344)66COUSA2047
19Nichols, Anthony Thomas (12753902)51MIUSA2041
20Saguisag, Precioso (12449308)78CAUSA2019
21Hehir, Michael J (12141790)55NYUSA2018
22Britt, Thomas J (10273803)59OHUSA2012
23Mc Entee, Tim R (12298150)56IAUSA2011
24Braunlich, Thomas David (10386161)63OKUSA1993
25Casden, Alan (10089051)70OHUSA1990
26Gutnik, Aleksandr (16911191)66NYUSA1987
27Faust, Jeffrey S (12277560)57PAUSA1981
28Monterrey, Felix (12689484)56FLUSA1978
29Bath, John S (11312853)68OHUSA1977
30Cooke, Eric (11180035)57FLUSA1974
31Pensoneau, Chris (10387493)62CAUSA1969
32Jacobs, Charles A (12746276)68AKUSA1968
33Hoover, Nathan E (12455097)56MNUSA1935
34Camarda, Kyle V (12399769)52KSUSA1925
35Ruiz, Jorge C (15185197)54NJUSA1922
36Rhine, Frederick S (10347483)61ILUSA1920
37Smith, Martin H (12445796)60WAUSA1918
38Spurrier, Robert P (10073367)69NCUSA1916
39Ballantyne, Wayne W (10231892)66AZUSA1915
=39Pylant, Gary Michael (10245451)70TNUSA1915
41Rader, Robert J (10062039)77NJUSA1909
42Kochman, David M (10032059)65NHUSA1903
43Walder, Michael (10345120)65CAUSA1891
44Spinrad, Jerry (12409131)65TNUSA1887
45Querner, Jeffrey J (12418122)53INUSA1886
46Mason, Mike W (11441653)67FLUSA1882
47Bousum, Joshua D (11064647)60INUSA1881
48Boron, Anthony J (11026869)64MBFOR1874
49Irwin, John (10426189)63TXUSA1856
50Segovia, Javier (12470856)50MAUSA1854
51Coffey, John Richard (11080847)61INUSA1850
=51Stafa, Thomas D (12245350)59OHUSA1850
53Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)75NYUSA1840
54Walker, James (11477526)59FLUSA1816
=54Pulley, Alvin J (12399114)54CAUSA1816
56Sciacca, Patrick (11235611)58NCUSA1815
57Harley, Thomas (11188478)60MDUSA1813
58Giovannetti, Mark J (12439853)62FLUSA1812
59Zilbermintz, Lev (12476202)54NJUSA1809
60Nash, Damian (11520359)58HIUSA1792
61Chase, Todd S (12414355)61MAUSA1790
62Ramirez, Jose E (12747114)54NVUSA1787
63Wilber, Martin (12893457)65ILUSA1780
64Zuppa, Thomas C (10018005)64MAUSA1778
65Carey, Michael P (10120560)63RIUSA1772
66Katz, Stewart (12458563)66CAUSA1771
67Gregg, Bruce W (10508606)66WAUSA1770
=67Guevara-Rodriguez, Mario (16129851)62CTFOR1770
69Mast, Malcolm (12406990)56NYUSA1759
70Greiner, Daniel (12456241)57AZUSA1753
71Friedman, David M (12488564)50OHUSA1751
=71Wong, Aldrin (12568734)51FOR1751
=71Howe, Frank (12668774)53PAUSA1751
74Paciulli, Frank (11017134)78NYUSA1749
75Heck, Karl T (11420605)56VAUSA1746
76Apper, Kevin A (12480458)72LAUSA1738
=76Strickland, Eric (13526267)63VTUSA1738
78Bumblauskas, Paul D (12909834)64GAUSA1736
79Warner, Thomas A (12448829)72NYUSA1727
80Chromczak, Thomas (10128676)67NYUSA1721
=80Ho, Michael S (12056430)54CAUSA1721
82Drury, Mark L (12459313)58CAUSA1719
83Jhirad, Ephraim (12528290)60FLUSA1718
84Dresher, Kevin (10051932)65NJUSA1716
85Brudno, Stephen (10017734)79MAUSA1715
86Leonard, Justin Michael (12518407)52MDUSA1714
87Farmand, Farnood (12769531)65TNUSA1709
88Del Rosario, Frisco (10987792)58CAUSA1705
89French, J Kevin (12282410)64KYUSA1700
90Astrachan, Edward L (12430870)70MAUSA1686
91Sajkowski, Daniel (12409276)62MIUSA1671
92Donovan, Michael E (12500494)62TXUSA1662
93Sokolovskaya, Serafima (12909568)74MNFOR1661
94Grier, Calvin (12485488)52GAUSA1659
95Herbert, Ed (10016614)65MAUSA1657
96Evans, Jonathan U (12451533)54VAUSA1648
97Lehman, Clarence E (10497272)70CAUSA1644
=97David, Michael Scott (16636306)66MAUSA1644
99Reed, Jonas M (12394953)62OHUSA1637
100Apel, Ulrich (16527751)54MDUSA1626
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
