Top Age 10 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation June 2024

1Radhakrishnan, Sharath (16837380)10OHUSA2268
2Zhu, Linxi (30328482)10NYUSA2196
3Wang, Ted (17187840)10WAUSA2188
4Yue, Tariq (30014129)10PAUSA2128
5Ayyappan, Santhosh (16959235)10NJUSA2119
6Xu, Shawn (30264362)10MAUSA2094
7Jasinski, Alexander (30029349)10FLUSA2088
8Zhang, Glenn (30146519)10CAUSA2061
9Yang, Aimee (30082227)10PAUSA2039
10Debmisra, Ariv (17314200)10PAUSA2030
11Vaidyanathan, Kannan (17107282)10NYUSA2021
12Hanke, Harvey (17137475)10INUSA2020
13Sawhney, Yuvraj Singh (17095004)10CAUSA1995
14Shen, Leo Xiaohang (17132332)10NYUSA1981
15Ordanza, Francis Gio Bigol (30223131)10CAUSA1963
16Li, Sophie (17143614)10FLUSA1959
17Wang, Lacey (30313152)10CTUSA1954
18Yue, Andy (30030525)10MDUSA1953
19Iranian Prabhu Kumar, Ashwin (17193472)10OHUSA1945
=19Pan, Zachary (30221502)10MAUSA1945
21Cao, Frank Zhongtian (30158113)10MAUSA1944
22Fei, Irene (30015588)10IAUSA1939
23Cui, Young (17158184)10CAUSA1937
24Wang, Jacob S (17083655)10CAUSA1934
25Drucker, Ari Sejoon (30133093)10NYUSA1905
26Xu, Owen (30020820)10WAUSA1901
27Zhou, Alexander Zheng (17093275)10VAUSA1900
28Zhou, Arthur (30350651)10MAUSA1896
29Bagdasarian, Ararat (30544527)10CAUSA1889
30Ma, Julian (30017413)10NJUSA1885
31Liu, Steven (30603409)10MDUSA1873
32Zhang, Derek (17110950)10NYUSA1871
33Lu, Lucas (17119897)10NYUSA1865
34Fan, Shengjie (16963081)10CAUSA1859
35Yang, Lucas (16740405)10USA1856
36Bhaskaran, Siddharth (30043807)10WAUSA1843
37Diao, Sujia (17103011)10NJUSA1839
38Wei, Jeffrey (30603651)10CAUSA1834
39Liu, Liam (30390852)10CAUSA1829
40Nemiroff, Samuel (17055610)10NYUSA1828
41Rajkumar, Sachit Srinivas (30108445)10ILUSA1821
42Indukuri, Suhas Varma (16887781)10CAUSA1820
43Zhang, Michelle (30085051)10NSFOR1817
44Zhao, Danson (30127679)10VAUSA1814
45Daftuar, Rohan (17124531)10CAUSA1810
46Wu, Winsley (30780293)10NYUSA1804
47Li, Tanqi (30381740)10INUSA1792
48Tanaka, Takki (17214690)10NYUSA1785
49Weyman, Grant A (30092306)10PAUSA1771
50Liu, Boaz (30542875)10MIUSA1759
=50Palathingal, Rafael (30810765)10WAUSA1759
52Maheshwari, Rayansh (17318177)10CAUSA1755
53Fitzsimmons, Daniela (17260306)10VAUSA1749
54Sarwar, Sawyer L (17353340)10NYUSA1745
55Ratliff, Ryan (17274746)10FLUSA1744
56Atassi, Celine (17107852)10NCUSA1741
57Lou, Aileen (30058347)10NYUSA1737
58Kashyap, Manish B (16792955)10NJUSA1735
59Tendulkar, Ojas (16963734)10TXUSA1727
60Wang, Darren (17214250)10CAUSA1725
61Fang, Zelin (17083043)10CAUSA1722
62Adhyam, Agustya (30038167)10NJUSA1720
63Jackson, Leo Daniel Olivera (30226167)10TXUSA1719
64Wong, Eugene (17157923)10NYUSA1717
65Alexander, Damian (30247393)10FLUSA1714
66Gupta, Vihaan (30019619)10CAUSA1712
67Shin, Theodore (30043465)10NYUSA1709
68You, Brandon Zhuocheng (17094702)10CAUSA1700
69Kim, Taewoo Lumen (30622509)10CAFOR1699
70Lin, Michael (17281737)10WAUSA1695
=70Wu, Winston (30022609)10FLUSA1695
=70Zhong, Andy (30730052)10CAUSA1695
73Patel, Raza Mikal (17166561)10NYUSA1694
74Lodha, Vivaan (30549303)10TNUSA1692
75Sahoo, Ojas (30019137)10WIUSA1690
76Pan, Roger (17124442)10CAUSA1685
77Carr, David Johnathan (30315361)10NYUSA1679
78Saddi, Neevan Reddy (30078321)10WAUSA1666
=78Zhou, Yuchen (30171464)10WAUSA1666
80Freiman, Logan (17217731)10NYUSA1652
81Wu, Isaac Mengyuan (17187950)10NJUSA1650
82Jandhyala, Yegna Sairam (30294344)10NJUSA1646
83Yang, Josh (30360018)10CAUSA1645
84Garcia, Kaiser Troy (30767117)10TXUSA1643
85Wu, Cody (30484179)10CTUSA1642
86Meng, Miranda (30279266)10WAUSA1640
87Atoufi, Artin (30918494)10AZUSA1632
88Ren, Stanley (16922191)10USA1618
=88Hao, Ryan (17217725)10NYUSA1618
=88Li, Ella Xinyi (30120722)10VAUSA1618
91Zhang, Jerry (30523096)10VAUSA1617
92Phu, Emma (16882611)10NYUSA1616
=92Aravind, Kavin (30844505)10AZUSA1616
94Jones, Hudson (30232980)10NCUSA1607
95Ayithi, Yashaswini (30021117)10PAUSA1603
96Serikar, Arav (30360853)10TXUSA1599
97Mcmillan, Felix (30251494)10COUSA1598
98Padala, Arav (30289070)10TXUSA1592
99Mishra, Ridhima (17299788)10NJUSA1588
100Gao, Ethan Wangchen (30512285)10CAUSA1582
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.