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Review of Chess: Lessons From a Grandmaster

Review of Chess: Lessons From a Grandmaster |
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By Elizabeth Vicary | |
March 23, 2009 | |
The cover of Shulman and Sethi's introductory chess curriculum
But that would be my very tragic loss. Shulman and Sethi have written an introductory curriculum that strikes me as the most effective I've ever seen, and I mean "effective" in the (perhaps unusual) sense of "effective at producing strong chessplayers." It has excellent basic lessons on piece movement, check, and checkmate, but many good books have this. Shulman's book stands out for including useful early lessons that many books skip over because they don't really have a name, like the ways to defend an attacked piece (capture, move, block, protect, counterattack), or homework puzzles that ask whether or not castling is legal, or whether a position is checkmate or just check. For me, though, the exceptional part of the book is at the end, with four chapters on the properties of the pieces, and three more on their interactions. (e. g. "Coordination of the Queen and Rook and Queen and Bishop") Chapters on individual pieces begin by listing the pros and cons of each piece; for example: The Rook Positives:
As a teacher, I really love lists like these for two reasons:
A homework sheet concludes the chapter, and it is also well-designed: the problems are appropriately easy and directly reinforce the ideas taught in the chapter. I'm increasingly picky about the homework I give my students: it's important that a) it's not too difficult (causing frustration and lowered motivation) and b) it uses problems that are direct thematic echoes of ones studied in the chapter/ lesson, so that the student will on some level "recognize" the answer. This type of repetitive reinforcement helps transfer the tactical pattern into long -term memory. It's a really way effective and efficient to learn. Also great are the chapters about the interactions of pieces. I quote the entire section on the coordination of the rook and knight below (with my own comments in italics) to show how carefully the material is structured so that each example builds on previous one. Rook and Knight The Rook and Knight are powerful together, but usually not as powerful as a Rook and Bishop. The Rook and Knight can sometimes set up a perpetual check. ![]() Black's two pawns are about to promote, and White has no way of stopping them. But White can save his position using a perpetual check: 1. Nxh7+ Ke8 2. Nf6+ Kf8 3. Nh7+ Kg8 4. Nf6+ Kf8 5. Nh7+ and the game is drawn due to threefold repetition. If Black plays 4...Kh8? 5. Rh7# is checkmate. The coordination of the Rook and Knight saved White. Let's see another position where the Rook and Knight set up a perpetual check. ![]() White is down material, but he can draw by 1. Rb8+ Kh7 2. Nf8+ Kg8 3. Ne6+ Kh7 4. Nf8+. Black has no choice but to repeat the position and the game is drawn. If there was a white pawn on h5 as in the diagram below, the outcome of the game would be different. ![]()
I really love examples like this that illustrate the importance of small details -I think this is something that children have a harder time than adults appreciating. I also appreciate that the examples are easy to transition between on a demo board-fumbling with pieces is humiliating when you are in front of a class. In the following diagram, the Knight uses discovered checks from the Rook to win material. Black to move. ![]() 1...Rc1+ 2. Kh2 Nf1+ 3. Kg1 Nxg3+ 4. Kh2 Nf1+ 5. Kg1 Nxe3 6.Kh2 Nxd5 and Black has an extra Knight. The chapter's homework included the following rook and knight problems (All White to Move): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Authors GM Yury Shulman and Rishi Sethi. Photo Betsy Dynako
I can't recommend this book highly enough. I've been teaching the later lessons to my intermediate (non-tournament) players, and it's been fantastic. When a lesson goes well, I feel so on-top-of-the-world, and this book has really made my last couple of weeks. (One class even chose to have a second lesson last week instead of playing blitz-that's never happened to me before!) It's made me look forward to teaching beginner classes next school year-a few years ago I fine-tuned my own working introductory curriculum, and it hasn't changed one word since then, but now I'm excited to Learn more about Yury Shulman including summer camps and how to purchase his book at his website, shulmanchess.com. GM Shulman will also be at SuperNationals IV, where he will be giving two simuls (April 3 Friday, 8 PM and Saturday April 4, 4 PM-sign up at the USCF Store ) as well as a seminar on April 4, Saturday at 10 AM "Chess Preparation: Hard Work or Fun?" |