FIDE FAQ's Print E-mail
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By US Chess Federation   

Q: What is FIDE?
A: FIDE stands for "Federation Internationale des Echecs" - also known as the World Chess Federation. This quote about their status and purpose comes from their website at Founded in Paris on 20 July 1924, the World Chess Federation (Federation Internationale des Echecs, known as FIDE from its French acronym) is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the supreme body, responsible for the organization of chess and its championships at global and continental levels. Following its recognition as an International Organization in 1989, FIDE was recognized by the IOC in June 1999 as an International Sports Federation. The purpose and aim of FIDE are the diffusion and development of chess among all nations of the world, as well as the raising of the level of chess culture and knowledge on a sporting, scientific, creative and cultural basis.

Q: How do I join FIDE?
A: You can't - only national federations can join FIDE. The USCF represents the United States in FIDE and also represents individual players for services such as title applications and ratings.

Q: How do I get a FIDE rating?
A: A player must play in FIDE-rated tournaments which meet the guidelines as stated in the FIDE Handbook – found online at FIDE Handbook. Players can be sure than an event is FIDE-rated by checking the Tournament Life Announcements (TLA) in Chess Life or in our Online Tournament listing .

Q: How do I earn my FIDE Candidate Master or FIDE Master title?
A: To earn these titles, players must achieve the following FIDE ratings:

CM (Candidate Master) - 2200
WCM (Woman Candidate Master) - 2000
FM (FIDE Master) - 2300
WFM (Woman FIDE Master) - 2100

Players who meet these criteria should send a letter to USCF requesting that an application be made on their behalf.

Q: How do I earn an IM or GM title?
A: The titles of International Master (IM) or Grandmaster (GM) are awarded by FIDE - not USCF. Players must collect a series of excellent tournament results (also known as norms) against other titled players. In general, you must achieve at least 2 norms covering at least 27 games plus the following ratings:

IM (International Master) - 2400
WIM (Woman International Master) - 2200
GM (Grand Master) - 2500
WGM (Woman Grand Master) - 2300

If you think you may have achieved an IM or GM norm, check with the tournament director. If you do achieve a norm, the tournament director will give you a norm certificate. Once a player has collected enough norms, he or she should submit copies of all of the materials to USCF.
