Beasts From the Southeast Annotate!
February 18, 2010
Dalton Perrine, a perfect score on the Beasts of the Southeast
Two members of the winning Beasts from the Southeast at the US Amateur Team South, Dalton Perrine (board three) and Toby Boas (board two) provided annotations of their games for CLO. Other team members were Jeffrey Haskel (board one) and Adam Miller (board four.) See the complete standings of the US Amateur Team South on the previous CLO report and the USCF MSA rating report.

Dalton Perrine scored a perfect 5-0 on board three. Here he annotates a key victory over Lucas Van Beuzekom.


1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 Qc7 6. Be3 a6 7. Nb3 Nf6 8. Bd3 b5 9. f3 h5 10. Ne2 d5 11. exd5 Nxd5 12. Bf2 Ne5 13. Be4 Bb7 14. 0-0 h4 15. Nbd4 Nc4 16. Bxd5 Bxd5 17. Nc3 Bb7 18. Qe2 Qe5 19. Qxe5 Nxe5 20. Rad1 0-0-0 21. b3 h3 22. Bg3 hxg2 23. Kxg2 Ng4 24. Rd3

24...Rxd4 25.Rxd4 Ne3+ 26.Kf2 Nxf1 27.Kxf1 Bxf3 28.Rf4 Bh5 would have been much simpler.
25. Nf5
26.Kg1 doesn't work because of 26...Rxd4 [not 26...exd4 27.fxg4 dxc3 28.Rxc3+ Kd7 29.Rxf7+ Be7 30.Rc7+] 27.fxg4 Bc5! 28.Bf2 Rxg4+ 29.Rg3 Rxg3+ 30.hxg3 Rh1 mate; Also 26.h3 here is followed by 26...Rxd4 27.hxg4 Rxg4 with a complicated position with a slight advantage to Black.
25. ...Rxd3 26. cxd3 g6 27. h3
If 27.Kg1 then 27...Bc5+ 28.d4 exd4 29.Ne4 Bxe4 30.Rc1 gxf5 31.Rxc5+ Kd7 32.fxe4 fxe4 33.Rd5+ Ke7 34.Rxd4 f5 with a big advantage for Black.
27. ...gxf5 28. hxg4 fxg4 29. Ne4 f5 30. Bxe5 Rg8 31. Rc1+ Kd8 32. Ng3
If 32.Bc7+ Ke7 33.Bd6+ Ke8! avoids a draw because 34.Nf6+ Kf7 35.Nxg8 Bxd6 36.Nh6+ Kg6 37.Ng8 Kg7 traps the knight and the passed pawn with the two bishops will win.
32. ...Bxf3+ 33. Kf2 Bh6 34. Rc2
I should just push f4 here and if 35.Ne4 Bxe4 36.dxe4 Bg5 followed by Bh4+ and f3; 34...Bd1 allows Rc6 and it is a whole new game.
35. Rc6 Bg5 36. Rxa6 Kd7 37. Rd6+ Kc8 38. Rb6 Kd7 39. d4?
This allows 39...f4. 39.Ke1 Bf3 40.Nxf5 should have been played. Lucas waslow on time though since move 32.
39. ...f4 40. Rb7+ Kc6 41. Rc7+ Kb6 42. Ne4 g3+ 43. Kg1 f3!
Now if 44.Bxg3 then 44...Be3+ 45.Kf1 Rxg3 and the Rc7 is lost; if 44.Nxg3 then 44...Bh4 45.Kf2 Bxg3+ 46.Bxg3 Rxg3 and Rc7 is lost again.
44. Rf7? f2+???

Yes I completely missed 44...Be3+; time trouble was a factor.
45. Kg2 Bh5 46. Rf5?

The losing move; 46.Nxg5 Bxf7 47.Nxf7 Rf8 48.Bxg3 Rxf7 49.Bxf2 and White will be able to draw.
46. ...Bg6! 47. Rf6+ Bxf6 48. Nxf6 Bd3 49. Nd5+ Kb7 50. Ne3 Be4+ 0 - 1


After 51.Kf1 then 51...g2+ will win the knight. A tough game with some mistakes but an important win that was able to salvage a tied match for my team, The Beasts of the Southeast, our only blemish in the tournament. 


This is a game from the critical round 4 where we beat the highest rated team, Piece Mongors II, with a 3-1 score.  I naturally wanted to win this game very much after losing to Dyson last year. 
1. c4  c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. b3  Nf6

Peter often plays these systems but I don't think they offer too many problems for black.
4. Bb2  Bg4 5. e3 e6 6. h3  Bh5 7. Be2  Nbd7 8. 0-0 Be7
The bishop belongs on e7 not d6, as White often plays for e4 in these lines when e5 will threaten to win material.
9. d4?! 0-0

White's move appears to be an error.  It looks more natural to play d3 keeping the bishop open and play for the above mentioned break with e4.  d4 also weakens control of the e4 square, which becomes important as we shall see.
10. Nbd2  a5
A useful move.
11. a3 Qc7 12. g4? Bg6
The first mistake, 12. g4 weakens the kingside at no cost to Black.
13. Kg2? Ne4!
13. Kg2 was another error, now Black seizes the initiative and never gives it back.
14. Ne5 Nxe5
14. Nxe4 does not help White as Black will play 14...Bxe4 and 15...f5! attacking White's weakened kingside.
15. dxe5 Rfd8

Now Black wins a pawn by force.
16. Nxe4  Bxe4+ 17. f3  dxc4 18. Qe1  Bd3 19. bxc4  Bh4!
This is the move Peter missed, deflecting the queen to win the pawn at c4.
20. Qxh4 Bxe2 21. Rf2  Bxc4
21. Rfc1 also fails to 21...Bxc4!, 22. Rxc4, Rd2+ picking up the bishop on b2.
22. Qg5  Rd3 23. e4  Rad8 24. h4  Qb6 25. Rc1  Bb3!
Bringing the bishop to the unorthodox d1 square will be devastating.
26. Re1 Bd1 27. Bc1 h6
Getting out of any back-rank ideas.
28. Qf4 Qb3 29. Re3  Rxe3 30. Qxe3  Rd3 31. Qf4  Rxf3!

Taking advantage of white's king position and loose bishop on c1 to pick up more material and simplify.
32. Rxf3  Bxf3+ 33. Kf2  Bxg4
The same tactic.  If 33. Qxf3, Qc2+ picked up the bishop with a won queen and pawn endgame.
34. Qe3 Qc2+
The rest is just a mop-up.
35. Kg3 Bh5 36. Bd2  b6 37. Qd4  Qd1 38. Qf2 Qg4+ 39. Kh2  c5 0-1


Here is a game from the top player in the Scholastics, Kaita Saito with anonymous annotations.  


1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6
The Dragon variation...
5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Bd7

Somewhat passive. 6...Nc6 is the normal sequence.
7.Qd2 Nc6 8.f3 Nf6 9.0–0–0 0–0
10.Bc4 is more accurate, setting up a typical Yugoslav Attack position...
10...Nxd4 11.Bxd4 b5! would give black the usual Dragon queenside counterplay and force white to react. As it goes, black's continued passivity causes white no problems whatsoever.
11.h4 f6?
And this really weakens the a2-g8 diagonal! Better was either 11)...a6 followed by b5 or Nxd4 and b5.
12.Bc4+ Kh8 13.Nxc6 Bxc6 14.Bh6 f5?!
 Black is striving to get some activity but this move merely allows me to open the g-file.
15.gxf5 gxf5 16.Bxg7+ Nxg7 17.Rdg1
White has a strong attack developing down the g-file.
[17...f4 18.Qg2+-]
18.h5 Qf6 19.Rg6!

A pretty move. If black takes the R, then Qh6+ mates!
19...Qe7 20.Rhg1 Rg8 21.Bxg8
 I also gave a lot of consideration to Qh6 but decided upon the game move after calculating it out to a win.
 21...hxg6 22.Rxg6 Kxg8
22...Rxg8 23.Qh6#
Winning a piece and the game.
23...fxe4 24.fxe4!?
I didn't want to allow any semblance of counterplay after 24) Rxg7+...Qxg7, 25) hxg7... exf3 although 26) Nd1 would have sufficed to end matters...
24...Kh8 25.hxg7+ Kg8 26.Qh6 Kf7 27.g8Q+!

 Trading one of my Qs for Black's only one...
 27...Rxg8 28.Qh7+ Ke8 29.Rxg8+
 After 29)...Kd7, 30) Rg7 wins. 1–0

See the complete standings of the US Amateur Team South on the previous CLO report and the USCF MSA rating report.