Dave Meier of El Paso, Texas
Obituary provided by Ray Fourzan. It is with regret that I announce the passing of Dave Meier of El Paso, Texas. Dave was the backbone and President of the Chess Club of El Paso for the past 20 years. He ran most of the regular USCF rated tournaments as well as the local kids and school tournaments. His dedication to directing tournaments meant that he often didn't get to play himself. As a player, he peaked around 1900 in strength and rating. His other great passion was singing with a barbershop quartet. If a chess tournament coincided with a singing engagement, he would 'volunteer' some of the other players in the club to help him with directing rounds while he went off to sing. His chess ability and genial manner allowed him to become friends with chess players from all over the Southwest and Mexico. People would come from the interior of Mexico to have him help them order chess equipment and supplies from the USCF. He was a humble, intelligent man that got along great with everyone. He will be grea tly missed by everyone who ever met him. He was retired from White Sands Missile Range. He is survived by his wife, son, and daughter. Dave Meier - may you Rest In Peace. |