Dr. William Henry Tallmadge (1916-2004)
Dr. William Tallmadge was a retired Professor of Music at Berea College. He was an accomplished chess player and teacher. At 88 years old, Dr. Tallmadge participated in his last USCF rated event. Winning 2 of 4 games, he was first in the senior division of the Kentucky Blue Grass State Games. Playing Dr. Tallmadge was an enjoyable experience for he was always the gentleman at the chess board. One of his Blue Grass State Games opponents was 11 years old. He described the game as his most fun because Dr. Tallmadge took time to discuss the game afterwards and make suggestions. My relationship with Dr. Tallmadge was as a student mentor. He was the sponsor of the Berea College Chess Club. At the time, my play was developing and he taught me much about the game. Even though he was much stronger than I at the time, he always made me feel that I was a challenge. He was an encourager. Dr. Tallmadge died peacefully in his home, Friday, October 8, 2004. He was 88 years old and passed away from Cancer. He is survived by his wife. Further information can be obtained through Berea College. Obituary submitted by Steve Dillard |