USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 3

White: Anatoly Karpov  0.5

Black: Gata Kamsky     0.5

Total - Kamsky 1.5, Karpov 1.5 Played 10 June 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier, assisted by SM Ron Burnett

also... Special Analysis by GM Gabriel Schwartzmann

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

49. ... Kf7-g6
Click on a move to see a Diagram
     Karpov     Kamsky

  1.  d2-d4     Ng8-f6

  2.  c2-c4      e7-e6

  3. Ng1-f3      b7-b6

  4.  g2-g3     Bc8-a6

  5.  b2-b3     Bf8-b4

  6. Bc1-d2     Bb4-e7

  7. Bf1-g2      c7-c6

  8. Bd2-c3      d7-d5

  9. Nf3-e5     Nf6-d7

 10. Ne5xd7     Nb8xd7

 11. Nb1-d2     O-O

 12. O-O        Ra8-b8

 13. Rf1-e1      b6-b5

 14.  c4-c5      e6-e5

 15.  d4xe5     Nd7xc5

 16.  a2-a3     Nc5-e6

 17.  b3-b4      d5-d4

 18. Bc3-b2      c6-c5

 19.  b4xc5     Be7xc5

 20. Nd2-e4     Bc5-e7

 21.  e2-e3      d4xe3

 22. Re1xe3     Qd8xd1

 23. Ra1xd1     Ba6-b7

 24. Rd1-d7     Bb7xe4

     Karpov     Kamsky

 25. Rd7xe7     Be4xg2

 26. Kg1xg2      a7-a5

 27. Re7-a7     Rb8-a8

 28. Ra7xa8     Rf8xa8

 29. Re3-b3     Ra8-b8

 30. Bb2-c3      a5-a4

 31. Rb3-b1     Rb8-c8

 32. Bc3-a5     Rc8-c5

 33.  f2-f4      f7-f6

 34.  e5xf6      g7xf6

 35. Rb1-d1     Kg8-f7

 36. Rd1-d7+    Kf7-g6

 37. Kg2-f3     Rc5-c4

 38. Kf3-e3     Ne6-c5

 39. Rd7-d5     Kg6-f7

 40. Ba5-b6     Rc4-c3+

 41. Ke3-d4     Rc3-c4+

 42. Kd4-e3     Rc4-c3+

 43. Ke3-e2     Nc5-e4

 44. Rd5xb5     Rc3xa3

 45. Rb5-a5     Kf7-g6

 46. Bb6-d4      h7-h5

 47. Bd4-e3      f6-f5

 48. Ra5-a6+    Kg6-f7

 49. Ra6-a5     Kf7-g6
