Individual Standings   K-6 Championship   K-6 Under 1400   K-6 Under 1000   K-6 Unrated   K-5 Championship   K-5 Under 1200   K-5 Under 900   K-3 Championship   K-3 Under 1000   K-3 Under 700   K-3 Unrated   K-1 Championship   K-1 Under 500 and Unrated   Blitz K-6   Blitz K-3   Bughouse   Friends and Family - Rated   Friends and Family - Non-rated   Friends and Family - Combined  
 No.  Name                  Pts   TBrk1  TBrk2     Rnd1    Rnd2    Rnd3    Rnd4    Rnd5 
   1  Aaron M.-Oliver B.    10.0  19.00  13.00 W 5,2.0  W6,2.0  W3,2.0  W2,2.0  W4,2.0  
   2  Leonardo D.-Lucas D.   6.0  23.00  13.00 W 6,2.0  D3,1.0  D4,1.0  L1,0.0  W5,2.0  
   3  Michael V.-Jordan R.   6.0  20.00  10.00 -B-,2.0  D2,1.0  L1,0.0  D5,1.0  W6,2.0  
   4  Aadarsh S.-Max B.      5.0  20.00  10.00 -H-,1.0  W5,2.0  D2,1.0  D6,1.0  L1,0.0  
   5  Phoebe B.-Raden B.     3.0  26.00  16.00 L 1,0.0  L4,0.0  W6,2.0  D3,1.0  L2,0.0  
   6  Nicholas B.-Isaac J.   1.0  19.00  16.00 L 2,0.0  L1,0.0  L5,0.0  D4,1.0  L3,0.0  
data/sbug.txt 22/05/12 15:40:27 CDT