Individual Standings   K-12 Championship   K-12 Under 1900   K-12 Under 1600   K-12 Under 1200   K-12 Under 800   K-12 Unrated   Blitz K-12   Bughouse   Friends and Family - Rated   Friends and Family - Unrated   Friends and Family - Combined  
 No.  Name                       Team  Gr  St  Rate  Pts  Rnd1  Rnd2  Rnd3  Rnd4 
   1  Heffner, Christina Soares            MD        3.0 W  2  W  5  L  3  W  5  
   2  Baron, Christopher                   MD        2.0 L  1  L  4  W  6  W  3  
   3  Cutler, Cameron                      TX        2.0 W  4  L  6  W  1  L  2  
   4  Ladi, Ramesh                                   2.0 L  3  W  2  L  5  W  6  
   5  Pascual, Nicholas                    TX        2.0 W  6  L  1  W  4  L  1  
   6  Hopkins, Veronica                    TX        1.0 L  5  W  3  L  2  L  4  
data/sffu.txt 22/04/09 17:58:51 CDT