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Play in USCF/WCL Grand Prix! Print E-mail
April 23, 2008
WCLCLOslide.jpg Will you be in pole position to win the first points of the season for the new US Chess Federation's World Chess Live Grand Prix?

World Chess Live (WCL) is the new fun, family-oriented online service from the Internet Chess Club and is sponsoring the US Chess Federation's year-long Grand Prix program for 2008. And as part of the deal, ALL USCF members will receive a FREE 6 month playing account for WCL to take part in our new monthly Grand Prix events.

Grand Prix points are earned at various levels, depending on the amount of prize money advertised in qualified events, such as the World Open, Foxwoods and US Open etc.  At the end of 2008, WCL will provide $20,000 in cash, merchandise, and World Chess Live subscriptions, to the top Grand Prix point winners.

But now you can qualify for Grand Prix points by playing regularly online at WCL!  The kickoff event for the 2008 World Chess Live Online Grand Prix will begin on Thursday, April 24th, at 8pm server (Eastern) time with the winner being awarded 20 points in USCF's 2008 World Chess Live Grand Prix! 

WCL will also sponsor the fledgling Junior Grand Prix program (JGP), offering an additional $7,500 in cash, merchandise, WCL subscriptions, and USCF memberships.   USCF Youth and Scholastic members earn JGP points in numerous tournaments around the country, and may now earn points every week on World Chess Live as well.

Throughout the season, WCL will be organizing weekly and monthly events, offering Grand Prix points in monthly competitions.  Additionally, the winner of the monthly WCL events, the 2008 GP winner, and the 2008 JGP winner will be invited to play in the WCL Blitz Championship, to be held at the 2009 U.S. Open.

So what are you waiting for?  Sign up now for your FREE 6 month membership to World Chess Live and start winning those Grand Prix points!


April - Chess Life Online 2008

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