Individual Standings   K-12 Championship   K-12 Under 1900   K-12 Under 1600   K-12 Under 1200   K-12 Under 800   K-12 Unrated   Blitz K-12   Bughouse   Friends and Family - Rated   Friends and Family - Unrated   Friends and Family - Combined  
 No.  Ttl  Name                         Pts     Rnd1     Rnd2     Rnd3     Rnd4     Rnd5 
   1       Brashaw D Thangauel G        9.0 W 9,2.0  W 4,2.0  W 2,2.0  W 5,2.0  D 3,1.0  
   2       Aramil W Karagianis P        7.0 W 8,2.0  W 3,2.0  L 1,0.0  W 6,2.0  D 5,1.0  
   3       Grubinsky J Perkins J        7.0 W 6,2.0  L 2,0.0  W 9,2.0  W 7,2.0  D 1,1.0  
   4       Andrews M Stewart J          6.0 D 7,1.0  L 1,0.0  W10,2.0  W 9,2.0  D 6,1.0  
   5       Carson B Stanley G           6.0 -B-,1.0  W10,2.0  W 7,2.0  L 1,0.0  D 2,1.0  
   6       Breheim H Weber N            5.0 L 3,0.0  -B-,2.0  W11,2.0  L 2,0.0  D 4,1.0  
   7       Weber R Weber S              5.0 D 4,1.0  W11,2.0  L 5,0.0  L 3,0.0  W10,2.0  
   8       Flanders J Weber M           4.0 L 2,0.0  L 9,0.0  -B-,2.0  W11,2.0      ---  
   9       Konovalenko N Konovalenko S  4.0 L 1,0.0  W 8,2.0  L 3,0.0  L 4,0.0  W11,2.0  
  10       Decredico A Decredico Z      3.0 D11,1.0  L 5,0.0  L 4,0.0  -B-,2.0  L 7,0.0  
  11       Walsh C Walsh G              1.0 D10,1.0  L 7,0.0  L 6,0.0  L 8,0.0  L 9,0.0  
data/sbug.txt 18/07/28 14:02:05 CDT