USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 1

White: Anatoly Karpov   1

Black: Gata Kamsky      0

Played 6 June 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier, assisted by SM Ron Burnett

also... Special Analysis by GM Gabriel Schwartzmann

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Mon. Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

The game was adjourned upon completing the second time control after move 56.
Gata Kamsky subsequently resigned before the game was resumed.

The sealed move was: 57. Bd5

Click on a move to see a Diagram

  1. d4       Nf6

  2. c4       g6

  3. Nc3      d5

  4. Nf3      Bg7

  5. Qb3      dxc4

  6. Qxc4     O-O

  7. e4       Nc6

  8. Be2      Bg4

  9. Be3      Bxf3

 10. Bxf3     e5

 11. d5       Nd4

 12. Bd1      b5

 13. Nxb5     Nxe4

 14. O-O      a6

 15. Nc3      Nd6

 16. Qd3      Qh4

 17. g3       Qh3

 18. Bxd4     exd4

 19. Ne2      Qf5

 20. Nf4      Rfb8

 21. Qxf5     Nxf5

 22. Nd3      Bh6

 23. Re1      a5

 24. Bg4      Nd6

 25. Re2      a4

 26. a3       Ra5

 27. Rc2      Rxd5


 28. Rxc7     Ra5

 29. Bf3      Bg5

 30. Rd1      Rc8

 31. Rxc8+    Nxc8

 32. h4       Bf6

 33. Rc1      Nd6

 34. Kf1      Be7

 35. Ke2      Kf8

 36. Rc7      Bf6

 37. Kd2      h5

 38. Ke2      Nf5

 39. Rc4      Nd6

 40. Rb4      Ra6

 41. Nc5      Ra7

 42. Kd3      Rc7

 43. Nxa4     Rc1

 44. Nb6      Bg7

 45. a4       Ra1

 46. Nd7      Ke8

 47. Nc5      Ke7

 48. Kc2      Rf1

 49. Nd3      Ra1

 50. Kb3      f5

 51. Rb6      Bh6

 52. Bd5      g5

 53. Ra6      gxh4

 54. gxh4     Rd1

 55. Bc4      Rh1

 56. a5       Rxh4


 57. Bd5      Resigned

At Adjournment

Horizontal Line

Final Position

Horizontal Line