USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 13

White: Anatoly Karpov    0.5

Black: Gata Kamsky       0.5

Played 30 June, 1 July 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier
assisted by NM Eric Johnson and Brian Bugbee
also... Special Analysis by GM Walter Brown
assisted by IM John Grefe

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

Special Membership Offer...

90. Kc3-d2
Click on any move to see a Diagram and Commentary

Game Now Available in PGN !

     Karpov     Kamsky

  1.  d2-d4     Ng8-f6

  2.  c2-c4      e7-e6

  3. Ng1-f3      b7-b6

  4.  g2-g3     Bc8-a6

  5.  b2-b3     Bf8-b4

  6. Bc1-d2     Bb4-e7

  7. Bf1-g2      c7-c6

  8. Bd2-c3      d7-d5

  9. Nf3-e5     Nf6-d7

 10. Ne5xd7     Nb8xd7

 11. Nb1-d2     O-O

 12. O-O        Ra8-b8

 13. Bc3-b2      b6-b5

 14.  c4-c5      e6-e5

 15.  d4xe5     Nd7xc5

 16.  a2-a3     Ba6-b7

 17.  b3-b4     Nc5-a4

 18. Bb2-d4      a7-a5

 19. Qd1-b3     Na4-b6

 20. Qb3-c3     Nb6-a4

 21. Qc3-b3     Na4-b6

 22. Rf1-d1     Nb6-c4

 23. Qb3-c3     Rb8-a8

 24. Nd2-b3     Qd8-c7

 25. Nb3-c5     Bb7-c8

 26.  h2-h3     Rf8-d8

 27.  g3-g4      a5xb4

 28.  a3xb4     Ra8xa1

 29. Rd1xa1     Be7xc5

 30.  b4xc5     Bc8-b7

 31.  e2-e3     Rd8-a8

 32. Bg2-f1     Ra8xa1

 33. Qc3xa1     Qc7-a5

 34. Qa1xa5     Nc4xa5

 35. Bf1-d3      b5-b4

 36.  f2-f4     Na5-c4

 37. Bd3-c2     Bb7-c8

 38.  f4-f5     Nc4-d2

 39. Bc2-a4     Bc8-d7

 40. Kg1-f2      g7-g6

 41. Kf2-g3     Kg8-f8

 42. Kg3-f4     Kf8-e7

 43.  e5-e6      f7xe6

 44.  f5-f6+    Ke7-f7

 45. Ba4-c2      h7-h6

 46.  h3-h4      b4-b3

     Karpov     Kamsky

 47. Bc2-d3      g6-g5

 48.  h4xg5      h6xg5

 49. Kf4-g3      b3-b2

 50. Bd4xb2     Nd2-b3

 51. Bd3-c2     Nb3xc5

 52.  e3-e4      d5xe4

 53. Kg3-f2     Bd7-c8

 54. Kf2-e3     Nc5-d7

 55. Bc2xe4      c6-c5

 56. Be4-f3     Bc8-a6

 57. Bb2-a3     Ba6-b5

 58. Ke3-f2     Bb5-c4

 59. Bf3-c6     Nd7-e5

 60. Bc6-f3     Bc4-d5

 61. Bf3-e2     Ne5-d7

 62. Kf2-e3     Bd5-c6

 63. Be2-d3     Kf7xf6

 64. Ke3-e2     Kf6-f7

 65. Ba3-c1     Nd7-e5

 66. Bc1xg5     Ne5xg4

 67. Ke2-d2     Bc6-d5

 68. Kd2-c3      e6-e5

 69. Bd3-f5     Ng4-f6

 70. Bg5-h4     Nf6-e8

 71. Bh4-f2     Ne8-d6

 72. Bf5-d3      c5-c4

 73. Bd3-h7     Kf7-g7

 74. Bh7-c2     Kg7-f6

 75. Kc3-b4     Kf6-e6

 76. Bf2-c5     Nd6-b7

 77. Bc5-f2     Nb7-d6

 78. Bf2-c5     Nd6-f7

 79. Bc5-e3     Ke6-f6

 80. Bc2-d1      e5-e4

 81. Bd1-e2     Nf7-e5

 82. Kb4-c5     Bd5-f7

 83. Kc5-d4     Kf6-f5

 84. Kd4-c3     Bf7-d5

 85. Kc3-d4     Kf5-e6

 86. Kd4-c3     Ke6-f5

 87. Kc3-d4     Bd5-f7

 88. Kd4-c3     Ne5-g4

 89. Be2xg4+    Kf5xg4

 90. Kc3-d2     Draw

Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

This game featured two stubborn defenses: one by Kamsky prior to adjournment and one by Karpov upon resumption of the game. Perhaps the draw outcome was a morally justified and equitable result.