2022 National Elementary (K-6) Championship
May 13 - May 15, 2022
Columbus, OH
K-5 Under 1200
Combined Results
Individual Awards
Place Name/Team Rate Score MMed Med Solk SB
1 SRINIVASAN, Shiv Karthik (21,Olentangy Meadows Elementary, L 1072 6.0 29.0 23.0 32.5 26.50
2 DUNCAN, Angus Smith (51,The Crane School, Santa Barbara,CA) 935 6.0 27.0 22.0 31.0 26.50
3 CHAN, Hannah (36,Dalton, New York,NY) 1000 6.0 26.0 20.0 26.0 21.00
4 SKELCHER, Oliver (46,PS 11 Manhattan, New York,NY) 952 5.5 29.5 23.5 32.0 23.75
5 VERBERKMOES, Michael (34,PS 166M, New York,NY) 1010 5.5 27.5 22.0 29.5 22.25
6 HEMLOCK, Sebastian Koh (49,Dalton, New York,NY) 949 5.0 28.0 22.0 31.0 20.50
7 LALLY, Mason (59,Success Academy Union Square, New York,NY) 883 5.0 27.5 21.5 29.5 18.50
8 RAGHURAMAN, Advaith (15,Lawrenceville Intermediate School, L 1097 5.0 27.0 21.5 30.5 21.25
9 JAYAPRAKASH, Nandan (4,Orchard MS, Solon,OH) 1177 5.0 26.5 20.5 29.5 18.75
10 PATEL, Het (27,Cheshire Elementary School, Delaware,OH) 1042 4.5 29.5 23.5 32.0 18.25
11 BLAGROVE, Somario (14,Success Academy Rosedale, Rosedale,NY) 1109 4.5 28.5 22.5 31.0 17.00
12 VICHAIDITH, Thomas (26,PS 166M, New York,NY) 1047 4.5 27.0 21.0 30.5 17.75
13 IYENGAR, Varun Venkat (1,Findley Elementary, Portland,OR) 1187 4.5 25.5 19.5 25.5 14.50
14 MARGOLIS, James (3,Success Academy Upper West, New York,NY) 1180 4.5 25.0 19.0 28.0 16.50
15 JAYAM, Srikar (13,Northpoint Elementary, Bloomington,IL) 1111 4.5 24.5 18.5 27.0 15.75
16 SINGH, Jiyan (8,University School of Milwaukee, Milwaukee,WI 1131 4.5 24.0 18.5 26.5 14.25
17 NEWMARK, Harrison (18,Success Academy Union Square, New York 1089 4.5 23.5 18.5 26.5 15.25
18 KLEIN, Eden Lily (76,Dalton, New York,NY) 690 4.5 23.5 18.0 26.5 15.25
19 CHALLA, Karhtik (9,Mason Intermediate School, Mason,OH) 1128 4.5 23.5 18.0 23.5 13.00
20 GRYTSENKO, Aiden (7,PS111 Adolph S. Ochs, New York,NY) 1158 4.5 23.0 17.5 24.0 12.75
20 KOKA, Saharsh (17,Harrisburg Elementary School, Indian Land, 1090 4.5 22.5 18.5 25.5 16.25
20 JAIKUMAR, Nishita (22,Kensington Elementary School, Waxhaw,N 1066 4.5 21.5 15.5 23.5 12.25
Team Awards
Plc Code Name (Players:Top 4 used) Score Med Solk SB Cum
1 NYDALT Dalton, New York,NY (9) 19.5 77.0 107.0 68.25 76.0
2 OHMMIN Mason Intermediate School, Maso (4) 14.5 71.0 94.5 43.25 58.5
3 NYNSAU Success Academy Union Square, N (6) 14.0 71.0 98.5 43.75 55.0
4 NYN086 Success Academy Upper West, New (4) 14.0 69.0 93.0 37.00 54.0
5 NYR010 Success Academy Rosedale, Rosed (4) 11.5 72.5 99.0 33.50 56.5
6 NYN031 PS 11 Manhattan, New York,NY (3) 10.5 52.5 71.5 33.25 41.0
7 NYP166 PS 166M, New York,NY (2) 10.0 43.0 60.0 40.00 44.5
8 PAF006 Asbury Elementary School, Fairv (3) 8.0 41.5 58.0 12.00 29.0
9 SCGCTG Charles Town Gifted Center, Gre (2) 7.0 33.5 44.0 19.75 27.5
10 TXAMER Americo Paredes, Brownsville,TX (3) 6.0 43.0 58.5 12.50 22.5
11 NYN048 PS 59 Beekman Hill, New York,NY (2) 5.5 29.0 41.5 10.50 17.5
12 KYL011 The Lexington School, Lexington (2) 4.0 22.0 32.5 5.75 14.0
data/wk5u1200.txt 22/05/15 16:40:11 CDT