USChess Online ® Presents:

FIDE World Championship - Game 15

White: Anatoly Karpov  0.5

Black: Gata Kamsky     0.5

Played 4 July 96 in Elista, Kalmykia

Annotation by GM Arthur Bisguier
assisted by NM Eric Johnson and Brian Bugbee
also... Special Analysis by GM Gabriel Schwartzmann

Coverage provided by the United States Chess Federation
in cooperation with FIDE
Special Thanks to GM Bachar Kouatly and Christophe Bouton of FIDE.
Technical services provided by Websong Publishing

Special Membership Offer...

42. ... Qe1-g3+
Click on any move to see a Diagram and Commentary

Game Now Available in PGN !

     Karpov     Kamsky

  1.  d2-d4     Ng8-f6

  2.  c2-c4      c7-c5

  3.  d4-d5      e7-e6

  4. Nb1-c3      e6xd5

  5.  c4xd5      d7-d6

  6.  e2-e4      g7-g6

  7. Ng1-f3     Bf8-g7

  8.  h2-h3     O-O

  9. Bf1-d3      b7-b5

 10. Nc3xb5     Rf8-e8

 11. O-O        Nf6xe4

 12. Qd1-b3      a7-a6

 13. Nb5-a3     Nb8-d7

 14. Na3-c4     Ra8-b8

 15. Qb3-c2      f7-f5

 16. Bc1-f4     Nd7-b6

 17. Nc4xb6     Qd8xb6

 18. Ra1-b1     Bc8-d7

 19. Nf3-d2     Ne4xd2

 20. Qc2xd2     Bg7-d4

 21. Rf1-e1     Re8xe1

 22. Qd2xe1     Rb8-e8

     Karpov     Kamsky

 23. Qe1-d2      a6-a5

 24.  b2-b3     Bd4-e5

 25.  a2-a3     Bd7-b5

 26. Bd3xb5     Qb6xb5

 27. Bf4xe5     Re8xe5

 28. Rb1-e1     Kg8-f7

 29. Re1xe5      d6xe5

 30. Qd2-h6     Kf7-g8

 31. Qh6-d2     Kg8-f7

 32. Qd2-c3     Kf7-f6

 33.  f2-f4     Qb5-e2

 34. Qc3xc5      e5xf4

 35. Qc5-c3+    Qe2-e5

 36. Qc3-c6+    Kf6-g5

 37.  d5-d6     Qe5-e1+

 38. Kg1-h2     Qe1-g3+

 39. Kh2-g1     Qg3-e1+

 40. Kg1-h2     Qe1-g3+

 41. Kh2-g1     Qg3-e1+

 42. Kg1-h2     Qe1-g3+


Grandmaster Bisguier's Commentary

Drawn by repetition of position.

Final Thoughts:

A well-played game. Karpov defused any potential dynamism in the position. Kamksy can be lauded for his choice of a fighting defense, but the game really never contained the kind of pyrotechnics one expects from a game played on the fourth of July.

We shall see what happens on Saturday - one win and Karpov keeps his crown.